2022-12-07 No. 147: Rare low data quality in outer pixels of CLAAS-3 L3 monthly mean products during satellite transition periods.
In months in which the operational SEVIRI data stream switched between satellites, a small number of pixels close to the edge of the covered spatial domain in the monthly averaged CLAAS-3 L3 products are of reduced quality and should be used with caution. A list of all months in which switches in the data stream occur can be found in the Product User Manual.
Affected products are:
- Joint Cloud property Histogram (JCH), CM-21023 / CM-5021
- Cloud Phase (CPH), CM-21043 / CM-5041
- Liquid Water Path (LWP), CM-21053 / CM-5051
- Ice Water Path (IWP), CM-21063 / CM-5061
To exclude these (rare) low quality data, we recommend using monthly mean data only in pixels in which the number of underlying daily means is greater or equal 20 ("nobs" >= 20).
2022-12-06 No. 146: Release of CM SAF CLAAS-3 CDR and ICDR: CM SAF CLoud property dAtAset using SEVIRI - Edition 3
The CLAAS-3 record provides cloud properties derived from intercalibrated measurements (Meirink et al., 2013) of the SEVIRI sensor onboard METEOSAT second generation (MSG) satellites. CLAAS-3 is the latest edition of CLAAS with previous editions documented in Stengel et al. (2014) and Benas et al. (2017). CLAAS-3 includes the following cloud properties: cloud mask/type, cloud top temperature/pressure/height, cloud thermodynamic phase, cloud optical thickness, cloud particle effective radius and cloud water path. Additionally, cloud droplet number concentration and cloud geometrical thickness are provided for liquid clouds. All data are available on multiple processing levels spanning level-2 (native SEVIRI resolution, i.e., 15 minutes repeat cycle and 3 km (nadir) spatial resolution) to level-3 (spatio-temporal aggregations such as daily averages, monthly averages and monthly histograms on a 0.05° x 0.05° grid, as well as monthly mean diurnal cycles and joint cloud optical thickness – cloud top pressure histograms on a 0.25° x 0.25° grid). CLAAS-3 covers the time period 2004/01 until 2020/12 as climate data record (CDR) and is operationally extended as Interim Climate data Record (ICDR) to the present with a latency of 10 days.
Some key features of CLAAS-3 compared to previous editions are:
- The ICDR contains the same (full) product portfolio as the CDR,
- Significant improvements for cloud detection with provision of a cloud probability,
- Significant improvements for vertical placement of clouds (pressure, temperature, height),
- New cloud effective radius products using the 3.9 µm in addition to the 1.6 µm channel,
- New cloud droplet number concentration and geometrical thickness products for liquid clouds, and
- Full uncertainty portfolio for all level-2 and level-3 products.
A comprehensive evaluation was conducted and results are summarized in the Validation Report, which composes, along with the Product User Manual and the Algorithm Theoretical Baseline Documents a rich set of CLAAS-3 documentation. With CLAAS-3, regional and large-scale cloud processes at temporal scales of quarter-hours to years can be studied. Furthermore, due to its increasing record length (19 years and growing), CLAAS-3 becomes a suitable source for climate monitoring applications.
The data record can be ordered via the Web User Interface. More information on the data record and accompanying documentation is available from the DOI page: 10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/CLAAS/V003
- Status
see service message No. 147
2022-11-22 No. 145: Upcoming release of CLAAS-3 data record and accompanying ICDR
CM SAF will shortly release the next edition of the SEVIRI based climate data record, CLAAS-3, and its accompanying interim climate data record (ICDR). With the release of this new edition, we will phase out the processing of the currently provided ICDR, which is based on the CLAAS-2 algorithms. To allow users a smooth transition, the two versions will be distributed in parallel until the end of 2022. Users should already now check their applications using the test data provided earlier (see Service Message 143).
The monthly mean cloud fraction will also be provided via EUMETCast as before. As for the distribution via our Web user Interface, both versions will be provided in parallel until end of the year (including products for December 2022).
- Status
see service message No. 148
2022-10-31 No. 144: Change in used satellite combination for ICDR AVHRR products due to degraded quality of NOAA-15 data
The CM SAF ICDR AVHRR is based on a combination of AVHRR data from different NOAA and Metop satellites. From the start of the time series in January 2019 until 22 October 2022, AVHRR data from NOAA-15, NOAA-18, NOAA-19 and Metop-A or Metop-B (change at end-of-life of Metop-A) have been used. In mid-October, the AVHRR data onboard NOAA-15 started showing degraded quality due to problems with the scan motor of the instrument (see, e.g., this message from NOAA). CM SAF removed the NOAA-15 AVHRR sensor from the processing in order to avoid usage of the degraded AVHRR data. Thus, from 23 October onwards, only data from NOAA-18, NOAA-19 and Metop-B have been used in the AVHRR-based ICDR data record. There are no changes to the algorithms at that time. Users can find information on the used satellite combination in the global attributes of the netCDF-files (attribute “CMSAF_platform_and_orbits”).
2022-08-08 No. 143: Upcoming releases of new data records – test files available on data server
In the upcoming months CM SAF will release a number of new climate data records (CDRs) and Interim Climate Data Records (ICDRs). The following three CDRs will become available together with an accompanying ICDR:
• SEVIRI-based regional cloud products from CLAAS-3, updated version of the CLAAS-2 based CDR and ICDR (planned release mid-Q4/2022),
• SEVIRI-based regional radiation products from SARAH-3, updated version of the SARAH-2 based CDR and ICDR (planned release mid-Q4/2022,
• AVHRR-based global cloud, surface albedo, surface and top-of-atmosphere radiation from CLARA-A3, updated version of the CLARA-A2 CDR and ICDR (planned release Q1/2023).
At the time of the release of the new CDR and ICDR, the processing of the preceding ICDRs will be stopped. In order to help our users to adapt to the new versions, test data are now available on our data server. More details on the products and links to the test data can be found here (PDF, 272KB, Barrier-free file).
- Status
The release of the SARAH-3 CDR and ICDR data will most likely be delayed to Q1/2023. Further updates will be published as they become available. (Updated 27 Sep 2022)
Accompanying pdf-document has been updated with further product details (Updated 28 Sep 2022)
see service message No. 146
see service message No. 152
see service message No. 153
2022-08-04 No. 142: Release of new FCDR of Microwave Imager Radiances (Oct 1978 – Dec 2020)
The CM SAF FCDR of Microwave Imager Radiances comprises inter-calibrated brightness temperatures (BTRs) from the SMMR, SSM/I and SSMIS radiometers. This 4th edition covers the time period from October 1978 to December 2020 including all available data from the SMMR radiometer aboard Nimbus 7, the SSM/I radiometers aboard F08, F10, F11, F13, F14, and F15 and the SSMIS radiometers aboard F16, F17, and F18. It provides homogenised and inter-calibrated BTRs in a user-friendly data format. SMMR, SSM/I and SSMIS data are used for a variety of applications, such as analyses of the hydrological cycle and remote sensing of sea ice. The improved homogenization and inter-calibration procedure ensures the long-term stability of the FCDR for climate related applications. All available raw data records have been reprocessed to a common standard, starting with the calibration of the raw Earth counts, to ensure a completely homogenized data record. The data processing accounts for several known issues with the instruments and corrects calibration anomalies due to along-scan inhomogeneity, moonlight intrusions, sunlight intrusions, and emissive reflector. Also an adjustment to the SSMIS geolocation has been implemented in order to improve the consistency. Corrections for SMMR are limited because the SMMR raw data records were not available. Furthermore, the inter-calibration model incorporates a scene dependent inter-satellite bias correction and a non-linearity correction to the instrument calibration. The data files contain all available original sensor data (SMMR: Pathfinder Level 1b) and metadata to provide a completely traceable climate data record. Inter-calibration and Earth incidence angle normalization offsets are available as additional layers within the data files in order to keep this information transparent to the users. The data record is complemented with radiometer sensitivities, quality flags, surface types, and Earth incidence angles.
The data record can be ordered via the Web User Interface. More information on the data record is available from the DOI page: http://doi.org/10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/FCDR_MWI/V004
2022-04-01 No. 141: Change in availability of CM SAF Environmental Data Records via the CM SAF Web User Interface
During the last years the CM SAF product portfolio has changed and with our AVHRR-based EDRs the last of the environmental data records has been discontinued in September 2021. For nearly all of these parameters CM SAF provides Thematic Climate Data Records (TCDRs) and (partly) Interim Climate Data Records (ICDRs) with a better quality in coverage, algorithmic and accuracy and it is highly recommended to use these TCDRs and ICDRs.
In order to help our users to identify the most recent TCDR and ICDR data all discontinued CM SAF EDR products will only be made available on request only from now on. A detailed list of the affected products can be found here (PDF, 135KB, Barrier-free file). Information on these products will remain available on the CM SAF webpage (e.g. change log, documentation).
Users are advised to order the respective TCDR and ICDR products instead of the listed EDR products. In case you need access to these older EDR product versions, please contact the CM SAF User Help Desk via contact.cmsaf@dwd.de.
2021-11-01 No. 140: Change in used satellite combination for ICDR AVHRR products due to end-of-life of Metop-A satellite
The CM SAF ICDR AVHRR is based on a combination of AVHRR data from different NOAA and Metop satellites. From the start of the time series in January 2019 until 31 October 2021 AVHRR data from NOAA-15, NOAA18, NOAA-19 and Metop-A has been used. With the end-of life of the Metop-A satellite in mid-November 2021 (see the respective EUMETSAT news for details), CM SAF changed the satellite combination accordingly and is processing Metop B data instead of Metop A in combination with the data from the three NOAA satellites for products from 1 November 2021 onwards. There are no changes to e.g. the algorithms at that time. Users can find information on the used satellite combination in the global attributes of the netCDF-files (attribute “CMSAF_platform_and_orbits”).
- Status
see service message No. 144
2021-09-02 No. 139: Bug in longitude information in CLARA-A2, CLARA-A2.1 and AVHRR ICDR products for Southern Polar Region products
A bug in the longitude information in CLARA-A2, CLARA-A2.1 and AVHRR ICDR products for the Southern Polar region has been identified (area identifier “SP” in filename). The longitude information is erroneously flipped relative to the data fields of cloud properties and surface albedo. The following products are affected:
Product name | Temporal resolution | CM-identifier | Product family |
CFC – Fractional cloud cover | daily and monthly mean | CM-11011
CM-6010 | CLARA-A ed. 2
CLARA-A ed. 2.1
CPH – Cloud phase | daily and monthly mean | CM-11041
CM-11045 | CLARA-A ed. 2
CLARA-A ed. 2.1 |
CTO – Cloud top parameters CTT, CTP
and CTH | daily and monthly mean | CM-11031
CM-6030 | CLARA-A ed. 2
CLARA-A ed. 2.1
IWP – Ice water path | daily and monthly mean | CM-11061
CM-11065 | CLARA-A ed. 2
CLARA-A ed. 2.1 |
LWP – Liquid water path | daily and monthly mean | CM-11051
CM-11055 | CLARA-A ed. 2
CLARA-A ed. 2.1 |
SAL – Surface albedo | pentad and monthly mean | CM-11221
CM-6220 | CLARA-A ed. 2
CLARA-A ed. 2.1
The longitude information can easily be corrected by flipping the longitude fields, e.g. in PYTHON syntax for a file with filename <filename.nc>:
import numpy
import xarray
file = xarray.open_dataset('<filename.nc>’)
lon = file['lon']
lon_corrected = numpy.flip(lon, axis=1) # flip the X-axis
Only the products for the area “Southern Polar Region” (identifier “SP” in filename) are affected. The longitude information for the global coverage (“GL”) as well as for the Northern Polar areas (“NP”) is correct.
- Status
see service message No. 140 and service message No. 144
2021-04-14 No. 138: Availability of Interim Climate Data Record based on CLARA-A2.1 for products from 1 January 2019 onwards and planned discontinuation of the respective EDR products
A new Interim Climate Data Record (ICDR) based on AVHRR data is available from CM SAF. The products are consistent continuations of the respective parameters from the well-established Thematic Climate Data Record CLARA-A2.1, which in combination are now able to support better climate monitoring applications. The following parameters are available with a timeliness of 5 days from the CM SAF Web User Interface:
- Fractional Cloud Cover (CFC, CM-6010),
- Cloud Top Level (CTO, CM-6030),
- Cloud Phase (CPH, CM-6040),
- Liquid Water Path (LWP, CM-6050),
- Ice Water Path (IWP, CM-6060),
- Surface incoming shortwave radiation (SIS, CM-6210),
- Surface albedo (SAL, CM-6220)
All parameters are available on a global 0.25°x0.25° latitude/longitude grid. For CFC, CTO and SAL, the products are additionally provided in two equal area grids with a resolution of 25 km x 25 km covering the Polar Regions. The cloud parameters and the surface incoming shortwave radiation are available as monthly and daily averages, while the Surface albedo is presented as monthly and pentad (5 day) averages. The output format for all products is netCDF-4. The new ICDR products from January 2019 onwards are provided with version number 400 and have the product status “operational”.
User documentation and links to the data ordering are available via the following webpage: ICDR AVHRR
This new set of products will replace the following AVHRR based Environmental Data Records (EDR):
- Fractional Cloud Cover (CFC, CM-03, CM-04),
- Cloud Top Level (CTO, CM-15, CM-16),
- Cloud Phase (CPH, CM-37),
- Cloud Optical Thickness (COT, CM-33),
- Cloud Water Path (CWP, CM-42),
- Surface incoming shortwave radiation (SIS, CM-50),
- Surface albedo (SAL, CM-57, CM-59)
It is planned to discontinue the production of the respective EDR products by the end of September 2021. Users are recommended to change their applications to the new ICDR parameters during this period of parallel processing. Any user who requires a longer overlap period are requested to contact the User Help Desk. The previously generated data will remain archived and available via the Web User Interface for some time after the termination of the EDR processing (available on request afterwards).
- Status
see service message No. 140 and service message No. 144
2020-11-03 No. 137: Release of CM SAF TCDR CLARA-A2.1: CM SAF cLoud, Albedo and surface RAdiation dataset from AVHRR data - Edition 2.1
The CLARA-A2.1 record provides cloud properties, surface albedo and surface radiation parameters derived from the AVHRR sensor onboard polar orbiting NOAA and METOP satellites. It includes and temporally extends the second version of the record (Karlsson et al., 2017; CLARA-A2 DOI: 10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/CLARA_AVHRR/V002) now providing data from 1982/01 to 2019/06, i.e., for 37.5 years. Original visible radiances were inter-calibrated and homogenised, using MODIS data as a reference, before applying the various parameter retrievals. The inter-calibration was based on an original method introduced by Heidinger et al. (2010) which was updated (MODIS Collection 6) and extended. CLARA-A2.1 features a range of cloud products: cloud mask, cloud top temperature/pressure/height, cloud thermodynamic phase, and (for liquid and ice clouds separately) cloud optical thickness, particle effective radius and cloud water path. Cloud products are available as monthly and daily averages as well as as daily resampled global products (Level 2b) for individual satellites. Cloud parameter results are also presented as multi-parameter distributions (i.e., joint frequency histograms of cloud optical thickness, cloud top pressure and cloud phase) for daytime conditions. Surface albedo is presented as monthly and pentad (5 day) averages of the broadband black-sky albedo and is derived using all available data during the studied period. Surface radiation products are provided as monthly averages for the downwelling shortwave (including also daily averages) and the down- and upwelling longwave components. The monthly and daily averages are available on a 0.25°x0.25° global grid. Surface albedo and cloud products are also provided in two equal area grids with a resolution of 25 km x 25 km covering the polar regions. Daily resampled cloud products (level 2b) are provided in a global grid with a resolution of 0.05°x0.05°. For the latter, also a probabilistic cloud mask is added as an experimental product. A summary of the CLARA-A2.1 characteristics and a comprehensive evaluation of the data are available through a comprehensive set of documents including user guides and, validation reports and algorithm descriptions.
The data record can be ordered via the Web User Interface. More information on the data record is available from the DOI page: 10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/CLARA_AVHRR/V002_01
2020-08-06 No. 136: Dissemination of additional products of surface solar radiation via EUMETCast starting 20 August 2020
Additional products of surface solar radiation data from CM SAF will become available via EUMETCast on 20 August 2020.
These products are:
- Daily Mean Surface Incoming Shortwave Radiation (CM-5210, SIS)
- Daily Sum Sunshine Duration (CM-5280, SDU)
- Monthly Sum Sunshine Duration (CM-5280, SDU)
The products are part of the Interim Climate Data Record (ICDR) SEVIRI Surface Solar Radiation Data Set based on SARAH-2 methods. This ICDR is designed to extend the Thematic Climate Data Record (TCDR) SARAH 2.1 continuously in time. Products from the SARAH 2.1 TCDR (available for 1983-2017) together with the corresponding products from the ICDR (available from 2018 onwards), can therefore be combined for various climate analysis applications. To work with the data, CM SAF provides the CM SAF R Toolbox, which is an easy-to-use tool to prepare, analyse, and visualize CM SAF data. The Toolbox comes as part of the CM SAF R-package, which is a collection of more than 60 functions for analysis and post-processing of CM SAF NetCDF formatted data.
Access to the archived ICDR data record, more details and documentation (user manual, validation report, ATBD) are available from the ICDR landing page.
More information on the SARAH 2.1 TCDR and access to the archived data record is available from the corresponding DOI landing page: 10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/SARAH/V002_01
Example filenames:
These data will be distributed on the following EUMETCast Europe Basic and EUMETCast Africa services:
Europe Channel: E1B-SAF-4 Europe PID:500 Europe Multicast:
Africa Channel: A1C-SAF-4 Africa PID:100 Africa Multicast address:
2020-05-15 No. 135: Release of CM SAF TCDR CLAAS-2.1: CM SAF CLoud property dAtAset using SEVIRI - Edition 2.1
The CLAAS-2.1 record provides cloud properties derived from the SEVIRI sensor onboard METEOSAT second generation (MSG) satellites. This first update of the second edition (Benas et al., 2017; CLAAS-2 DOI: 10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/CLAAS/V002; see also Stengel et al., 2014) features a temporal extension by two years (the record is now covering 2004-2017) and a bugfix for the monthly CTO products. As for previous editions of CLAAS, the solar SEVIRI channels of MSG-1, MSG-2 and MSG-3 were intercalibrated with MODIS Aqua (following Meirink et al., 2013) before applying the cloud retrievals. CLAAS-2.1 features the following cloud properties: cloud mask/type, cloud top temperature/pressure/height, cloud phase as well as cloud microphysical properties such as optical thickness, effective droplet radius and cloud water path. The data are available on native SEVIRI resolution, i.e. 15 minutes repeat cycle and 3km (nadir) to 11km (edge of the field of view) spatial resolution. In addition, spatio-temporal averages of the above mentioned cloud properties are included: Daily and monthly averages and monthly histograms on a 0.05° x 0.05° grid as well as monthly mean diurnal cycles on a 0.25° x 0.25° grid. The results of the comprehensive evaluation conducted for CLAAS-2 which were reported in Benas et al. (2017), remain valid for CLAAS-2.1. Along with the data, updated documentation including user guide, algorithm descriptions, reprocessing layout and extensive validation studies, is provided. With CLAAS-2.1, regional and large scale cloud processes at temporal scales of minutes to years can be studied. SEVIRI-based surface radiation products, which were part of CLAAS in edition 1, are released in a separate dataset (SARAH-2.1).
The data record can be ordered via the Web User Interface. More information on the data record is available from the DOI page: 10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/CLAAS/V002_01
2020-03-18 No. 134: Change to product status “operational“ for SEVIRI-based ICDR cloud products
Following a successful Operational Readiness Review and approval by the CM SAF Steering group, the SEVIRI-based ICDR products of fractional cloud cover (CFC/CM-5010) and cloud top products (CTO/CM-5030, including the data fields of height (CTH) and temperature (CTT) and pressure (CTP)) have been declared “operational”.
2020-02-26 No. 133: EUMETCast channels used for the distribution of CM SAF data will change on 25 March 2020
As part of a consolidation of EUMETCast channel usage, the channels used for the distribution of the CM SAF products (monthly mean of SEVIRI-based cloud fractional cover (CFC) and surface incoming shortwave radiation (SIS)) will change on 25 March 2020.
All CM SAF products currently distributed on channel SAF-Africa will be transferred on channel E1B-SAF-4 (PID: 500, Multicast address: For more details and information how to change the channel configuration, please check the respective EUMETSAT EUMETCast page.
2019-08-12 No. 132: AVHRR-based EDR products: Anomaly of Metop-A satellite affecting products ( time period 30 Jul – 6 Aug 2019)
On 30 July 2019 at 11:54 UTC, an anomaly occurred on the Metop-A spacecraft, impacting among others the AVHRR instrument and data were unavailable from this instrument. During 6 August the service was resumed by EUMETSAT.
The anomaly affects the AVHRR-based EDR products CFC, COT, CPH, CTH, CTP, CTT, CWP, SAL and SIS:
The CM SAF EDR products are usually based on data from AVHRR onboard NOAA-19 and Metop-A. During the above time period only data from one satellite was available and therefore the daily products for CFC, CPH, CTH, CTP, CTT, and SIS as well as the weekly mean for SAL are based on a reduced set of input data affecting the quality of the products. COT and CWP could not be processed for the time period 31 July – 5 August 2019 and are based on a reduced amount of input data for 30 July 2019 and 6 August 2019 due to the missing input data. Users should be aware that also the respective monthly mean products for July and August 2019 are based on a reduced amount of data.
CM SAF is currently working on an extension of the CLARA-A2 record and the transition to an Interim Climate Data Record based on the algorithms of CLARA-A2, which will replace above EDR products. More information on these products will be released in a separate service message in due time.
- Status
see also Service message No. 138
2019-04-04 No. 131: Change in availability of selected SEVIRI-based environmental data records via the CM SAF Web User Interface
For a lot of our Environmental Data records (EDRs) CM SAF now provides Thematic Climate Data Records (TCDRs) and (partly) Interim Climate Data Records (ICDRs) with a better quality in coverage, algorithmic and accuracy. It is highly recommended to use these TCDRs and ICDRs. As a first step and in order to help our users to identify the most recent several CM SAF EDR products based on SEVIRI data or merged SEVIRI+AVHRR data will only be made available on request only from now on. A detailed list of the affected products can be found here (PDF, 60KB, Barrier-free file).
Information on these products will remain available on the CM SAF webpage (e.g. change log, documentation).
Users are advised to order the respective TCDR and ICDR products instead of the listed EDR products. In case you need access to these older EDR product versions, please contact the CM SAF User Help Desk via contact.cmsaf@dwd.de .
2019-01-30 No. 130: Extension of ICDR SEVIRI product portfolio for radiation products and change in product status
Since May 2018 CM SAF provides ICDR surface radiation products from SEVIRI based on SARAH-2 algorithms (with products since January 2018). Following a successful Operational Readiness Review (ORR), we are happy to announce that the product portfolio has been extended. For the parameters Surface Incoming Shortwave radiation (SIS), Surface Incoming Direct radiation (SID) and Direct Normalized Irradiance (DNI) CM SAF now also provides the instantaneous products in half-hourly resolution (with a timeliness requirement of 5 days). Additionally, daily and monthly sums of sunshine duration (SDU) are now available as a new ICDR product (timeliness requirement of 15 days). All products are provided on a 0.05°x0.05° lat/lon grid. In order to have a smooth transition to the respective TCDR, these products are provided starting from January 2018.
Following the successful ORR and approval by CM SAF steering group, the products DNI, SID, SIS and SDU have also been declared “operational”.
2019-01-30 No. 129: Release of CM SAF Surface Radiation Data Set - Heliosat (SARAH) – Edition 2.1
The first update of the second edition of the Surface Solar Radiation Data Set - Heliosat (SARAH-2) is a satellite-based climate data record of the solar surface irradiance, the surface direct irradiance (direct horizontal and direct normalized), the sunshine duration, spectral information, and the effective cloud albedo derived from satellite-observations of the visible channels of the MVIRI and the SEVIRI instruments onboard the geostationary Meteosat satellites. The data are available from 1983 to 2017 and cover the region ±65° longitude and ±65° latitude (±60° longitude and ±60° latitude for the spectral information). The products are available as monthly and daily means, and as 30-min instantaneous data (sunshine duration is available as monthly and daily sum) on a regular latitude/longitude grid with a spatial resolution of 0.05° x 0.05° degrees. The data record is complemented with a comprehensive documentation of the algorithms used and the generation of the data record. Validation report and user guidance are available as well. This data record includes the data (1983 to 2015) from Edition 2.0 of the SARAH data record (doi: 10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/SARAH/V002).
The data record can be ordered via the Web User Interface. More information on the data record is available from the DOI page: 10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/SARAH/V002_01
2019-01-14 No. 128: Release of CM SAF Microwave Upper Tropospheric Humidity (UTH) Data Record – Edition 1
This CM SAF climate data record provides daily estimates of Upper Tropospheric Humidity (UTH) derived from passive microwave sounders. UTH contributes significantly to the atmospheric greenhouse effect by having a strong influence on the outgoing longwave radiation, despite the smaller concentration by mass in comparison to lower troposphere. Long-term observations of UTH can therefore be used to monitor changes in upper tropospheric water vapour loading and subsequently to infer changes in the radiative effect of water vapour in the atmosphere. The CM SAF UTH v1.0 data set is based on observations from the Advanced Microwave Humidity Sounding Unit B (AMSU-B, onboard NOAA-15, NOAA-16, NOAA-17) and the Microwave Humidity Sounder (MHS, onboard NOAA-18, MetOp-A and MetOp-B), and covers the period 1 January 1999 to 31 December 2015. The UTH product is a mere transformation of brightness temperature, measured by the 183.31±1.00 GHz channel to a more intuitive humidity unit. The relative humidity Jacobian, which is used to define the UTH, moves vertically depending on the water vapour load in the atmosphere. It is generally assumed that the Jacobian covers a broad atmospheric layer between 500 and 200 hPa. However, in a drier atmosphere the Jacobian will have significant contributions from altitudes below the 500 hPa level and in a wetter atmosphere there can be contributions from altitudes above the 200 hPa level. The UTH retrieval is generally not valid outside ±60° latitudes because of the very low water vapour loading here in the upper troposphere. However, there will be some valid UTH retrievals in these regions, thus a global data record is provided to enable maximum exploitation of the data. Note that observations affected by deep convective or precipitating clouds, together with those sensing the surface due to dry atmosphere or high orography, have been removed from the data set. The CM SAF UTH product has been evaluated against an equivalent UTH derived from ERA-Interim renanalysis. The validation activity suggests that the data record fulfils the GCOS requirements of 5% measurement accuracy and 0.3% decadal stability within ±60° latitude.
Along with the data and the uncertainty estimates, a comprehensive documentation including product user manual, algorithm descriptions, and validation report is provided. The data record can be ordered via the Web User Interface. The documents and the data record can be accessed from the DOI landing page:
DOI: 10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/UTH/V001 .
2018-05-24 No. 127: Release of new CM SAF ICDRs of fractional cloud cover and surface incoming shortwave radiation via EUMETCast
With the stop in processing of the SEVIRI based EDR products in early March 2018 (see Service Message 126), also the distribution of the respective monthly mean products of fractional cloud cover (CFC) and surface incoming shortwave radiation (SIS) had to be discontinued.
These products are now replaced by so-called Interim Climate Data Records (ICDRs), which are a continuation of the respective Thematic Climate Data Records (TCDRs), helping to support climate monitoring applications. The ICDRs of CFC and SIS monthly mean products, currently pre-operational, are based on the same algorithm as the parameters in the corresponding TCDRs (CFC from CLAAS-2 and SIS from SARAH-2). The grid changed to a regular 0.05°x0.05° latitude/longitude grid and the internal file structure (number of data layers, name of fields) is also different. The file format will remain netCDF-4.
Test data are available at: ftp://ftp-cmsaf.dwd.de/ICDR_SEVIRI/eumetcast/
Users are recommended to adapt their systems as necessary.
The new ICDRs will be distributed on EUMETCast on the ‘SAF-Africa’ channel (PID: 301, Multicast address: Users already subscribed to CM SAF products via EUMETCast will receive these new ICDRs automatically. Other users wishing to receive the products should register via the EUMETSAT Earth Observation Portal (EOP).
The data distribution will start with the monthly mean products from May 2018 (actual distribution will be in June 2018). Users interested in receiving the equivalent data for the period January to April 2018 can order these via the CM SAF webpage (ICDR SEVIRI (cloud), ICDR SEVIRI (surface radiation products)), where users can also find the related documentation for the products.
- Status
Apr 2019: „ftp-link no longer valid, please contact CM SAF User Help Desk (via contact.cmsaf@dwd.de) if you need access to these files“.
see also Service message No. 130 and No. 133
2018-05-18 No. 126: Stop of EDR SEVIRI processing on 5 March 2018 being replaced by a new CM SAF regular extension of related parameters from the SARAH-2 and CLAAS-2 SEVIRI data record from January 2018 onwards
As announced earlier, there are changes in the provision of SEVIRI based products:
The current regular processing of SEVIRI based cloud and radiation parameters (Environmental Data Records EDRs) are replaced by a regular extension of there lated parameters of the long-term climate data records (SARAH-2 and CLAAS-2). This change became effective with the switch from Meteosat 10 to Meteosat 11 in early March. No SEVIRI based Environmental data record (EDR) products of fractional cloud cover (CFC), cloud top products (CTT, CTH, CTP), surface incoming shortwave radiation (SIS) as well as surface incoming directradiation (SID) are provided after 5 March 2018. The previously generated data will however remain archived and available via the Web User Interface.
The products replacing the discontinued service are so-called Interim Climate Data Records (ICDRs), which are consistent continuations of well-established Thematic Climate Data Records (SARAH-2 and CLAAS-2), which in combination are now able to support better climate monitoring applications.
The fractional cloud cover (CFC), cloud top products (CTO, including the data fields of height (CTH), temperature (CTT) and pressure (CTP)), surface incoming shortwave (SIS), surface incoming direct radiation (SID) and direct normalized irradiance (DNI) are based on the same algorithm basis as the parameters in the corresponding TCDRs (CLAAS-2 for cloud products and SARAH-2 for surface radiation parameters). The new products are provided as daily and monthly products for data from January 2018 onwards.
The output format as well as the spatial resolution and projection of the ICDRs is the same as for the TCDRs. Thus, the grid of these products is a regular 0.05°x0.05° latitude/longitude grid and the internal file structure (number of data layers, name of fields) is going to be different compared to the previously provided EDRs as well (see service message 120). The file format for the ICDR parameters is netcdf-4. Additionally, the timeliness requirement for the new ICDR will be 5 days (compared to 2 months for the EDRs).
The new ICDR products for January 2018 are provided with version number 400 and starting with the change to Meteosat-11 during February 2018 products areprovided with version number 410.
Currently, via the Web user interface all data starting from May 2018 are available, where as the earlier months (January 2018 - April 2018) will be added during the next month.
User documentation is available via the following webpages: ICDR SEVIRI (cloud products)ICDR SEVIRI (Surface radiation products).
- Status
see service message No. 133
2018-04-19 No. 125: Important information on change in data distribution service protocol from ftp to https/sftp
CM SAF is planning to change the data distribution service protocol from ftp (ftp-cmsaf.dwd.de) to https/sftp (cmsaf.dwd.de) from 8 May 2018 onwards. In order to allow a smooth transition for all users, both distribution channels will be operated in parallel for a 2-month transition phase before the old ftp server isretired.
The new data distribution service will be available via https://cmsaf.dwd.de/data/ORDER _ID and sftp://cmsaf.dwd.de/data/ORDER_ID. Login credentials and download details will be made available with the final order notification email.
Users are encouraged to inform the CM SAF User Help Desk (via contact.cmsaf@dwd.de) about any problems encountered when using the new distribution channel.
2018-02-09 No. 124: Updated Validation Report for TCDR "Meteosat Cloud Fractional Cover (COMET) Edition 1"
An updated validation report for the thematic climate data record "Meteosat Cloud Fractional Cover (COMET) Edition 1" has been made available after a bug has been detected in Table 5 (Performance statistics of level-2 Meteosat CFC as compared with synoptic observations) of the document. Users can access the new version of the validation report via the DOI page and the respective documentation section of the CM SAF web page.
- Status
see also service message No. 162
2017-12-21 No. 123: MSG/SEVIRI Aerosol Optical Depth: Error in global attribute
Users of the MSG/SEVIRI Aerosol Optical Depth record should be aware that one global attribute has been incorrectly encoded in the NetCDF files: the value of the geospatial_lon_max=-81.26 (degree East) should be considered as +81.26 (degreeEast). It is worth to mention that this data record is provided in a geostationary grid projection. The latitude/longitude of each pixel grid can be obtained from the CLAAS-2 ancillary file “claas2_level2_aux_data.nc” available via the DOI page, which is valid for the AOD TCDR as well.
2017-12-18 No. 122: Release of a first aerosol product in CM SAF
The CM SAF is happy to announce the release its Climate Data Record of Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) derived from the Spinning Enhance Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI) sensors onboard the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) satellites. This record covers the period from 1 Feb 2004 to 31 Dec 2012 (Meteosat-8 and -9) and consists of daily and monthly means of AOD.
Along with the data and the uncertainty estimates, a comprehensive documentation including product user manual, algorithm descriptions, and validation report isprovided. The data record can be ordered via the Web User Interface. The documents and the data record can be accessed from the DOI landing page: https://doi.org/10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/MSG_AOD/V001.
- Status
see also Service Message 123
2017-12-13 No. 121: New CM SAF products provided via EUMETCast and termination of currently provided products
In early 2018 CM SAF will discontinue the processing of the currently provided SEVIRI based Environmental data record (EDR) of fractional cloud cover (CFC) and surface incoming shortwave radiation (SIS). They will be replaced by so-called Interim Climate Data Records (ICDRs), which are a continuation related to the respective Thematic Climate Data Records(TCDRs), helping to support climate monitoring applications, The CFC and SIS monthly mean products will be based on the same algorithm basis as the parameters in the corresponding TCDRs (CFC from CLAAS-2 and SIS fromSARAH-2 ). The grid will change to a regular 0.05°x0.05° latitude/longitude grid and the internal file structure (number of data layers, name of fields) is going to be different as well. The file format will remain netcdf-4 as before.
More information on the changes, and links to related documents describing the product can be found here (PDF, 95KB, Barrier-free file)
Test data are available at ftp://ftp-cmsaf.dwd.de/ICDR_SEVIRI/eumetcast/ and users are recommended to adapt their applications accordingly.
- Status
Apr 2019: „ftp-link no longer valid, please contact CM SAF User Help Desk (via contact.cmsaf@dwd.de) if you need access to these files“.
see also Service Message No. 127
2017-10-27 No. 120: Change in CM SAF SEVIRI based EDR processing from January 2018 onwards
As announced earlier, CM SAF will change its parts of the EDR product portfolio:
SEVIRI based Environmental Data Records (EDR) will be replaced with Interim Climate Data Records (ICDR) which are the follow up of the respective parameters of the Thematic Climate Data Records (TCDR) CLAAS-2 and SARAH-2. As for the currently generated EDRs, derived parameters are CFC, CTO, SIS and SID. Additionally, the direct normalized irradiance (DNI) will be provided. The ICDRs use the same algorithm basis as the respective TCDRs and have identical gridand format (0.05°x0.05°lat/lon grid, netcdf-4 format). The change will be effective for products from January 2018 onwards. The processing of the currently available EDR products will be stopped at that time. Test data are available on our ftp server and users are recommended to adapt their applications accordingly. More details onthe products and links to the test data and documentation can be found here (PDF, 95KB, Barrier-free file)
- Status
see Service Message No. 126
2017-10-10 No. 119: Release of Hamburg Ocean Atmosphere Parameters and Fluxes from Satellite Data - HOAPS 4.0 by CM SAF
The Hamburg Ocean Atmosphere Parameters and Fluxes from Satellite data record (HOAPS) is a completely satellite based climatology of precipitation, evaporation and freshwater budget (evaporation minus precipitation) as well as of latent heat flux, total column water vapour, near surface specific humidity and near surfacewind speed over the global ice free oceans. All variables are derived from recalibrated and intercalibrated measurements from SSM/I and SSMIS passive microwave radiometers, except for the SST, which is taken from AVHRR measurements. The data record includes multi-satellite averages and an efficient sea ice detection procedure. Main changes in this version are a prolonged timeseries, now containing data for the time period from July 1987 until December 2014, the utilisation of an updated SSM/I and SSMIS FCDR, the provision of uncertainty estimates for latent heat flux, evaporation, near surface specific humidity and near surface wind speed and the implementation of a 1D-Var retrieval scheme for the retrieval of total column water vapour and near surface wind speed. Other retrieval algorithms remain unchanged compared to HOAPS 3.2. All HOAPS products have global coverage, i.e., within ±180° longitude and ±80° latitude and are only defined over the ice-free ocean surface. The products are available as monthly averages and 6-hourly composites on a regular latitude/longitude grid with a spatial resolution of 0.5° x 0.5° degrees. Along with the data and the uncertainty estimates, a comprehensive documentation including user manual, algorithm descriptions, reprocessing layout and extensive validation studies, are provided.
The data record can be ordered via the Web User Interface. More informationon the data record is available from the DOI page: 10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/HOAPS/V002
2017-09-22 No. 118: Release of CM SAF TOA Radiation GERB/SEVIRI Data Record -
Edition 2
The TOA Radiation GERB/SEVIRI record from CM SAF provides estimates of the Top Of Atmosphere broadband radiative fluxes derived from the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) and the Spinning Enhance Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI) sensors onboard the Meteosat Second Generation satellites. The outgoing radiation is reported in terms of TOA Reflected Solar (TRS) and TOA Emitted Thermal (TET) fluxes. This second edition is the improved and extended follow-upof the first edition of the record available from CM SAF under DOI 10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/TOA_GERB/V001.
The main improvements are:
- In addition to the all sky fluxes, the edition 2.0 also provides an estimate of the corresponding clear sky fluxes.
- A correction is applied for the GERB and SEVIRI sensor ageing.
- Data from the MSG1, MSG2 and MSG3 satellites have been homogenized.
- Data from the backup MSG satellite has been used to reduce the gaps in the data record.
- The temporal coverage is extended to 1st Feb. 2004 - 30th April 2015.
The original GERB level 2.0 High Resolution (HR) and SEVIRI level 1.5 observations have been processed to estimate solar and thermal fluxes in hourly boxes on the GERB HR grid. From the hourly values, the daily mean, the monthly mean and the monthly mean diurnal cycle are estimated. Finally, the data is regridded on a regularlatitude-longitude grid covering 70°N - 70° and 70°W-70°E, with a spatial resolutionof 0.1°.
2017-09-14 No. 117: Release of CM SAF ClOud Fractional Cover dataset from METeosat First and Second Generation - Edition 1 (COMET Ed. 1)
This Thematic Climate Data Record (TCDR) provides cloud fractional cover (CFC) derived from the Meteosat Visible and InfraRed Imager (MVIRI) on board the Meteosat First Generation (MFG) and the Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI) onboard the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) satellites. The covered time period ranges from January 1991 to December 2015, thus includes MFG 4 to 7 and MSG 1 to 3. Original thermal radiances were inter-calibrated by the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) using the High Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder (HIRS) as a reference. The Meteosat CFC is presented as hourly, daily and monthly composites on a 0.05°x0.05° grid covering the entire Meteosat disk (Africa and Europe). The CFC data is derived from two Meteosat heritage channels by use of an advanced Bayesian retrieval algorithm. It employs continuous cloud scores, which are built on a contemporaneous clear sky background inversion. The Meteosat CFC is characterized by comparability to the SYNOP-based long-term CFC observations carried out at WMO ground stations. The Meteosat CFC is therefore useful to supplement the ground-based CFC estimates in areas with low station density or high spatio-temporal CFC variability. Along with the data, a comprehensive documentation including user guide, algorithm descriptions and extensive validation studies, is given.
The data record can be ordered via the Web User Interface. More informationon the data record is available from theDOI page: 10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/CFC_METEOSAT/V001
- Status
see also service message No. 124 and service message No. 162
2017-09-14 No. 116: Release of CM SAF Land SUrface Temperature dataset from METeosat First and Second Generation - Edition 1 (SUMET Ed. 1)
This Thematic Climate Data Record (TCDR) provides Land Surface Temperature (LST) derived from the Meteosat Visible and InfraRed Imager (MVIRI) on board the Meteosat First Generation (MFG) and the Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI) onboard the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) satellites. The covered time period ranges from January 1991 to December 2015, thus includes MFG 4 to 7 and MSG 1 to 3. Original thermal radiances were inter-calibrated by the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) using the High Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder (HIRS) as a reference. The LST is derived from Meteosat by use of single-channelLST retrieval algorithms suitable to generate LST data across Meteosat satellite generations. This TCDR includes two different LST products: the Statistical Land Surface Temperature product generated with a statistical LST retrieval approachand a Physical Land Surface Temperature product based on radiative transfer calculations. The LST is presented as hourly data and as monthly averaged diurnal cycle composites on a 0.05°x0.05° grid covering the entire Meteosat disk (Africa and Europe). A summary of the retrieval algorithms is provided by Duguay–Tetzlaff et al. (2015). Along with the data, a comprehensive documentation including userguide, algorithm descriptions and extensive validation studies, is given.
The data record can be ordered via the Web User Interface. More information on the data record is available from the DOI page: 10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/LST_METEOSAT/V001
- Status
see also service message No. 162
2017-06-14 No. 115: Release of SARAH-2: Surface Solar Radiation Data Set from MVIRI and SEVIRI – Edition 2
The second edition of the Surface Solar Radiation Data Set - Heliosat (SARAH-2) is a satellite-based climate data record of the solar surface irradiance, the surface direct irradiance (direct horizontal and direct normalized), the sunshine duration, spectral information, and the effective cloud albedo derived from satellite-observations of the visible channels of the MVIRI and the SEVIRI instruments onboard the geostationary Meteosat satellites. The data are available from 1983 to 2015 and cover the region ±65° longitude and ±65° latitude (±60° longitude and ±60° latitude for the spectral information). The products are available as monthly and daily means, and as 30-min instantaneous data (sunshine duration is availableas monthly and daily sum) on a regular latitude/longitude grid with a spatialresolution of 0.05° x 0.05° degrees. The data record is complemented with a comprehensive documentation of the algorithms used and the generation of thedataset. Validation studies and user guidance are available as well. The data record can be ordered via the Web User Interface. More information on the data record is available from the DOI page: 10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/SARAH/V002
- Status
see also Service message No. 129
2017-04-11 No. 114: Update on changes in order handling for large orders
In October 2016 CM SAF announced changes in the order handling for requests larger than 1 TB (see Service Message 102). After monitoring the process for several months, CM SAF decided to implement a checking of order sizes during the ordering process. At any time of the processing (between placing the order and availability of the order on the CM SAF ftp-server) a maximum total order size of 1 TB per user is allowed. As long as the active orders stay below a total data amount of 1 TB new orders can be placed. When placing the order in the order cart, the probable size is checked against the maximum order size and the already ordered data volume. Information will be provided at all times during the ordering process. As soon as an order has been processed, the data amount of the active orders is adjusted accordingly and users can place new requests. However, it is highly recommended to download the previously placed order(s) before submitting a new request, as there is still a time limit of 14 days for the download on the ftp-server.
2017-03-16 No. 113: GERB/SEVIRI based EDR products are discontinued from March 2017 onwards
The 3rd Continuous Development and Operations phase (CDOP-3) of the Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring started in March 2017. Generally, CM SAF will continue to develop and deliver improved Climate Data Records (CDRs) of Essential Climate Variables (ECV) related to the energy and water cycle and corresponding operational versions. However, new products will be developed and provided and a few currently available parameters are discontinued. With the start of the CDOP-3 in March 2017 the generation of the GERB/SEVIRI-based parameters TRS and TET will be terminated. Products will be provided until February 2017. All TRS and TET EDR data from Jan 2004 to Feb 2017 will remain available via the Web User Interface. CM SAF will continue the processing on a best-effort basisas long as possible and products from March 2017 onwards will be available to the users as auxiliary data via the Web User Interface. Users are recommended to use the products from March 2017 onwards with caution as no validation of these parameters will be done by CM SAF. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause!
- Status
28 Mar 2017: service message updated
2017-03-16 No. 112: Status of ATOVS based EDR products from March 2017 onwards
The 3rd Continuous Development and Operations phase (CDOP-3) of the Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring started in March 2017. Generally CM SAF will continue to develop and deliver improved Climate Data Records (CDRs) of Essential Climate Variables (ECV) related to the energy and water cycle and corresponding operational versions. However, new products will be developed and provided and a few currently available parameters are discontinued. With the start ofthe CDOP-3 in March 2017 the ATOVS-based EDR products of HTW, HLW and HSH are discontinued and are not part of the CM SAF product portfolio anymore. The products from Jan 2004 to Feb 2017 will remain available to the users via the Web User Interface. Additionally, CM SAF will continue the processing on a best-effort basis as long as possible and products from March 2017 onwards will beavailable to the users as auxiliary data via the Web User Interface. Users are recommended to use the products from March 2017 onwards with caution as novalidation of these parameters will be done by CM SAF. Further note the Service Message 105 from 11 November 2016. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause!
2017-03-03 No. 111: Release of CLARA-A2: CM SAF cLoud, Albedo and surface RAdiation datasetfrom AVHRR data - Edition 2
The CLARA-A2 record provides cloud properties, surface albedo and surfaceradiation parameters derived from the AVHRR sensor onboard polar orbiting NOAA and METOP satellites. This second edition is the improved and extended follow-up of the first version of the record (CLARA-A1) which now covers a 34 year time period (1982-2015). CLARA-A2 features a range of cloud products: cloud mask,cloud top temperature/pressure/height (CTT/CTP/CTH), cloud thermodynamic phase (CPH), cloud optical thickness (COT), cloud particle effective radius (REF) and cloud water path (CWP). Cloud products are available as monthly and daily averages and also as daily resampled global products (Level 2b) for individual satellites. Cloud parameter results are also presented as single-parameter distributions (frequency histograms of CTP, CTT, COT, REF and CWP) and multi-parameter distributions (joint frequency histograms of COT, CTP and CPHfor daytime conditions). Surface albedo is presented as monthly and pentad (5 day) averages and is derived using all available data during the studied period. Surface radiation products are provided as monthly averages for the downwelling shortwave (including also daily averages) and the down- and upwelling longwave components. All monthly and daily averages are available on a 0.25°x0.25° global grid. Surface albedo and cloud products are also provided in two equal area grids with aresolution of 25 km x 25 km covering the polar regions. Daily resampled cloud products (level 2b) are provided in a global grid with a resolution of 0.05°x0.05°. For the latter, also a probabilistic cloud mask is added as an experimental product.
The data record can be ordered via the Web User Interface. More information on the data record is available from the DOI page: http://dx.doi.org/10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/CLARA AVHRR/V002
- Status
new release available, see Service message No. 137
2017-02-20 No. 110: Release of new FCDR of Microwave Imager Radiances (Oct 1978 – Dec 2015)
The CM SAF FCDR of Microwave Imager Radiances comprises inter-calibrated brightness temperatures (BTRs) from the SMMR, SSM/I and SSMIS radiometers. It covers the time period from October 1978 to December 2015 including all available data from the SMMR radiometer aboard Nimbus–7, the SSM/I radiometers aboard F08, F10, F11, F13, F14, and F15 and the SSMIS radiometers aboard F16, F17, and F18. It provides homogenised and inter-calibrated BTRs in a user friendly data format. All available raw data records have been reprocessed to a common standard, starting with the calibration of the raw Earth counts, to ensure a completely homogenized data record. The data processing accounts for several known issues with the instruments and corrects calibration anomalies due to along-scan inhomogeneity, moonlight intrusions, sunlight intrusions, and emissive reflector. Furthermore, the inter-calibration model incorporates a scene dependent inter-satellite bias correction and a non-linearity correction to the instrument calibration.
The data record can be ordered via the Web User Interface. More information on he data record is available from the DOI page: http://dx.doi.org/10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/FCDR_MWI/V003
2017-01-26 No. 109: Release of CM SAF Top of Atmosphere Radiation MVIRI/SEVIRI data record
The CM SAF Top of Atmosphere Radiation MVIRI/SEVIRI Data Record provides a homogeneous satellite-based climatology of the TOA Reflected Solar (TRS) and Emitted Thermal (TET) radiation in all-sky conditions. The continuous monitoring of these components of the Earth Radiation Budget is of prime importance to study climate variability and change. The MVIRI and SEVIRI instruments on board the METEOSAT First and Second Generation satellites are combined to generate a long Thematic Climate Data Record covering a period of time of 32 years, from 1 February 1983 to 30 April 2015. The TOA radiation products are provided as daily mean, monthly mean and monthly averages of the hourly integrated values (diurnal cycle). The data is provided on a regular grid at a spatial resolution of 0.05°x0.05° and covers the region between ±70° longitude and ±70° latitude. In addition to covering a long time period, the MVIRI/SEVIRI data record is also featured by excellent spatial and temporal samplings.
The data record can be ordered via the Web User Interface. More information on the data record is available from the DOI page: http://dx.doi.org/10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/TOA_MET/V001
2016-12-14 No. 108: Safe mode of Meteosat 10 15-17 October 2016 affecting CM SAF top of atmosphere EDR products
In the timeframe 15 October 2016, 12:34 UTC to 17 October 2016, 12:45 UTC, no Meteosat-10 SEVIRI data had been available due to a satellite anomaly. The spacecraft experienced a switch to safe mode and EUMETSAT recovered the satellite and switched back to operations on 17 October 2016, 13 UTC. This affects the SEVIRI based CM SAF EDR top of atmosphere products (TRS, TET). No daily mean products are available for the time period 15-17 October 2016. Users should be aware that the monthly mean and monthly mean diurnal cycle products are based on a reduced amount of data.
2016-11-17 No. 107: CLAAS-2 cloud top level (CTO) products under investigation
The monthly mean cloud top level products (CTOmm*), which contain monthly mean cloud top pressure, height and temperature, of the recently released CM SAF CLAAS-2 data record are currently under investigation. It was found that the conversion from daily mean CTO to monthly mean CTO data was erroneous. We are currently characterizing the error in more detail. All other products (including the daily mean CTO products) are not affected. We recommend all users of CLAAS-2 monthly mean CTO data to be cautious when interpreting the data. Please monitor the CM SAF webpage regularly until updates on this issue are published.
- Status
bug fixed with release of CLAAS-2.1, see service message 135
2016-11-15 No. 106: Test data for upcoming ICDR SEVIRI available on ftp-server
As announced in Service Message 100, CM SAF will change its product portfolio from providing SEVIRI based Environmental Data Records (EDR) to the provision of Interim Climate Data Records (ICDR) for CFC, CTO, SIS and SID. Additionally, the direct normalized irradiance (DNI) will be provided. In order to help our usersto adapt to the new formats test data are now available on our ftp server. More details on the products and links to the test data can be found here (PDF, 103KB, Barrier-free file)
- Status
Apr 2019: „ftp-link no longer valid, please contact CM SAF User Help Desk (via contact.cmsaf@dwd.de) if you need access to these files“.
27 Oct 2017: For new information concerning the change see Service Message120
5 Dec 2016: Updated test files for SIS and SID on ftp server
19 Dec 2016: Service message updated, additional parameter DNI available;
2016-11-11 No. 105: Users recommended to use ATOVS-based EDR products (HTW, HLW, HSH) from October 2016 onwards with caution
The ATOVS-based EDR products HTW, HLW and HSH (version 350) are usually based on data from ATOVS on board Metop-A and Metop-B (see the Product User Manual for more details). On 17 October 2016 an anomaly occurred on channel 15 of Metop-B AMSU-A and resulted in the data being unusable. As a consequence the products are based on Metop-A data only since mid-October 2016. A validation of the HTW, HLW and HSH products for October 2016 showed that the data are within specifications. However, users are recommended to use the products from mid-October 2016 onwards with caution. CM SAF will monitor the behavior of the used satellite data and ATOVS-based products closely.
2016-11-07 No. 104: Safe mode of Meteosat 10 15-17 October 2016 affecting CM SAF cloud and surface radiation EDR products
In the timeframe 15 October 2016, 12:34 UTC to 17 October 2016, 12:45 UTC, no Meteosat-10 SEVIRI data had been available due to a satellite anomaly. The spacecraft experienced a switch to safe mode and EUMETSAT recovered the satellite and switched back to operations on 17 October 2016, 13 UTC. This affectsthe SEVIRI based CM SAF EDR products of cloud and surface radiation (CFC, CTH, CTP, CTT, SIS, SID). No daily mean product is available for 16 October 2016. Users should be aware that the daily mean for 15 and 17 October 2016 as well as the monthly mean and monthly mean diurnal cycle products are based on a reduced amount of data.
2016-10-25 No. 103: CLAAS-2 bugfix
A bug in the new CLAAS-2 dataset has been identified and fixed: Due to a software problem, certain daily means contained data of a different day. Only daily and monthly means in December 2014 and December 2015 are affected. Diurnal cycles and histograms for these months as well as all data for the remaining time periodare not affected. The erroneous data was replaced at the time of the release of this service message. Users who already downloaded CLAAS-2 data will be contactedby the CM SAF User Help Desk individually.
2016-10-04 No. 102: Change in order handling for large orders
Several Climate Data Records have been released during the last years and more long data records will be released in the near future. As a result individual orders are becoming much larger on average. This has two consequences: The download time of large orders is quite high for our users and users might not be able to download their complete order within the given time frame of 14 days. Additionally, together with the much appreciated increase in registered users and number oforders, the load on the CM SAF ftp server becomes quite high from time to time. This might lead to longer wait times until an order can be processed. As a consequence, the order handling for orders larger than 1 TB has been changed. While smaller orders are automatically processed as before, orders larger than 1 TB will be set on hold until the user has been contacted by the CM SAF User Help Desk to clarify the way forward for the specific order request.
For more details on possible solutions please check the CM SAF Frequently Asked Questions.
- Status
please see Service Message 114 for new procedure
2016-10-04 No. 101: Availability of new CM SAF TCDR: CM SAF CLoud property dAtAset using SEVIRI (CLAAS-2)
The CLAAS-2 record provides cloud properties derived from the SEVIRI sensor onboard METEOSAT second generation (MSG) satellites.The data records can be ordered via the Web User Interface. More information on the dataset is available from the DOI page http://dx.doi.org/10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/CLAAS/V002. This second edition is the improved and extended follow-up of the first version of therecord (Stengel et al., 2014; CLAAS-1 DOI:10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/CLAAS/V001).
In order to ensure a homogeneous data basis, the solar SEVIRI channels of MSG-1,MSG-2 and MSG-3 were intercalibrated (Meirink et al, 2013) with MODIS Aqua before applying the cloud retrievals. CLAAS-2 features 12 years (2004-2015) of cloud mask/type, cloud top temperature/pressure/height, cloud phase as well as cloud microphysical properties such as optical thickness, effective droplet radius andcloud water path. The data are available on native SEVIRI resolution, i.e. 15 minutes repeat cycle and 3km (nadir) to 11km (edge of the field of view) spatial resolution.In addition, spatio-temporal averages of the above mentioned cloud properties areincluded: Daily and monthly averages and monthly histograms on a 0.05° x 0.05°grid as well as monthly mean diurnal cycles on a 0.25° x 0.25° grid. The advancements compared to CLAAS-1 are for example:
- extended MSG measurement record used with better calibration,
- improvements made to the retrieval algorithm leading to products with higher quality and
- increased temporal resolution (15 Minutes).
Along with the data, a comprehensive documentation including user guide, algorithm descriptions, reprocessing layout and extensive validation studies is provided. A summary on the CLAAS-2 characteristics and a comprehensive evaluation of the results are currently documented and is planned to be published soon. With CLAAS-2, regional and large scale cloud processes at temporal scales of minutes toyears can be studied. SEVIRI-based surface radiation products, which were part of CLAAS-1, will now be released in a separate dataset (SARAH-2) soon.
- Status
See and also Service Message 103 and Service Message 107
extended version available, see Service Message 135
2016-09-16 No. 100: Changes in CM SAF EDR product portfolio from 2017 onwards
We would like to inform our users about upcoming changes in the CMSAF EDR product portfolio from January 2017 onwards and with the start of the next project phase CDOP-3 in March 2017, respectively. The changes affect the SEVIRI-, GERB- and ATOVS based routinely provided EDR products. More details are given here (PDF, 16KB, Barrier-free file)
- Status
Test data for SEVIRI ICDR now available, see Service Message 106
2016-03-02 No. 99: New version of CM SAF ATOVS-based products HTW, HLW and HSH from October 2015 onwards
From October 2015 onwards a new ATOVS retrieval scheme (version 350) has been implemented in order to allow processing of Metop-A data. Channels 7 and 8 of AMSU-A are out of specifications and have been removed from the input stream of the ATOVS processing. This required the implementation of an updated IAPP, now in version 4, kindly provided by the University of Wisconsin. In consequence the upper tropospheric temperature products exhibit changes in quality between September and October 2015, leading to generally smaller bias and RMSE. However, at 200-300 hPa the quality decreased but is still within the service specification. Please also check the ChangeLog webpage for the history of the version numbers of the products.
Users having a standing order for the affected products will need to re-new their standing order if they want to further receive the products.
2016-02-29 No. 98: Safe mode of Meteosat-10 15-18 November 2015 and decontamination of Meteosat-10 SEVIRI in December 2015 affecting CM SAF top of atmosphere EDR products
In the timeframe 15 November 2015, 03:36 UTC to 18 November 2015, 12 UTC, no Meteosat-10 SEVIRI data had been available due to a satellite anomaly. The spacecraft experienced a switch to safe mode and EUMETSAT recovered the satellite and switched back to operations on 18 November 2015, 12 UTC. In the timeframe 08 December 2015, 08 UTC to 14 December 2015, 09:30 UTC, no Meteosat-10 SEVIRI data had been available due to a decontamination of the instrument by EUMETSAT. Further details on the decontamination are available via the EUMETSAT News page. These two events affected the CM SAF top of atmosphere EDR products (TRS, TET), which use SEVIRI data. There are no daily mean products for TRS and TET available for the time frame 15-18 November 2015 and 08-14 December 2015. As a consequence, the monthly mean as well as the monthly mean diurnal cycle products are based on a reduced amount of input data for November and December 2015. Users should be aware of the effects of a reduced amount of data when interpreting the monthly products of November and December 2015.
2016-01-13 No. 97: Decontamination of Meteosat-10 SEVIRI in December 2015 and effect on CM SAF SEVIRI based EDR cloud and surface radiation products
In the timeframe 08 December 2015, 08 UTC to 14 December 2015, 09:30 UTC, no Meteosat-10 SEVIRI data had been available due to a decontamination of the instrument by EUMETSAT. During this time SEVIRI data from Meteosat-8 had been disseminated. Further details are available via the EUMETSAT News page. This affects the SEVIRI based CM SAF EDR cloud and surface radiation products (CFC, CTH, CTP, CTT, SIS, SID). For the cloud products SEVIRI data fromMetosat-8 have been used to generate daily mean products during the decontamination phase. A combination of data from Meteosat-8 and Meteosat-10 has been used to generate the monthly products. However, a generation of the surface radiation parameters during the time period of the decontamination has not been possible due to missing top of atmosphere input data. There are no daily mean products for SID and SIS available for the time frame 09-13 December 2015. As a consequence, the monthly mean as well as the monthly mean diurnal cycle products for the surface radiation parameters are based on areduced amount of input data for December 2015. Also, the daily mean products for the days of the switches are based on a reduced number of input data. Users should be aware of the effects of different data sources for the cloud products and reduced amount of data when interpreting the SEVIRI-based EDR products from December 2015.
2015-12-21 No. 96: Delay in processing of ATOVS-based EDRs of HTW, HLW and HSH
There is currently a delay in the processing of the ATOVS-based products of HTW, HLW and HSH. Data are only available until September 2015. Since end of September 2015 one of the AMSU-A channels on Metop-A shows an increase in noise level hampering the retrieval of the parameters. As this channel is used in the currently applied version of the IAPP retrieval algorithm, no retrievals from Metop-A can be generated, which strongly reduces the data basis for the generation of the CM SAF ATOVS based products and led to the decision to stop the processing at CM SAF. CM SAF is currently implementing an update of the retrieval algorithm, which has been provided by the algorithm developers at CIMSS/University of Wisconsin. After careful testing and checking the influence of omitting the affectedchannel from the retrieval, we will decide on the way forward. We will inform ourusers if/when the products will become available again in due time. We apologize for any inconvenience.
- Status
products available again, see service message 99
2015-12-10 No. 95: Outage of Meteosat-10 SEVIRI data in November 2015 and effect on
CM SAF SEVIRI based EDR cloud and surface radiation products
In the timeframe 15 November 2015, 03:36 UTC to 18 November 2015, 12 UTC, no Meteosat-10 SEVIRI data had been available due to a satellite anomaly. The spacecraft experienced a switch to safe mode and EUMETSAT recovered the satellite and switched back to operations on 18 November 2015, 12 UTC. This affects the SEVIRI based CM SAF EDR products of cloud and surface radiation (CFC, CTH, CTP, CTT, SIS, SID). No daily mean products are available for 15-17 November 2015. Users should be aware that the daily mean for 18 November as well as the monthly mean and monthly mean diurnal cycle products are based ona reduced amount of data.
2015-10-14 No. 94: CM SAF TOA EDR products using GERB-3 data from May 2015 onwards
It is our pleasure to announce that, from May 2015 onward, the CM SAF TOA radiation products are again based on observations from the GERB-3 instrument, the instrument on Meteosat-10. During the period from January 2013 to April 2015, the CM SAF TOA EDR products have been derived from SEVIRI only due to an outage of the de-spin mirror of the GERB-3 instrument. Note that during the GERB-3 outage, GERB operational service has been transferred to GERB-1, the instrument on Meteosat-9, but science data for this period are still not released by the GERB team
2015-10-07 No. 93: Updates of the SARAH data set
The following updates are available for the Surface Solar Radiation Data Set - Heliosat (SARAH) (doi: 10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/SARAH/V001):
- Extended spatial coverage in winter towards higher latitudes from 2006 to 2013
- Extended temporal coverage, now including 2014
- Corrected hourly-averaged SIS data for November 2010
The updated data are not available through the CM SAF Web User Interface. If you are interested in receiving the updated data, please contact contact.cmsaf@dwd.de. Further details on the updates are provided in ServiceMessage_93.pdf (PDF, 25KB, Barrier-free file)
- Status
updated information in pdf file available
2015-06-25 No. 92: Availability of new CM SAF FCDR: Fundamental Climate Data Record of SSM/I / SSMIS Brightness Temperatures
The CM SAF Fundamental Climate Data Record (FCDR) of SSM/I and SSMIS brightness temperatures covers the time period from July 1987 to December 2013 including all available data from the six SSM/I radiometers aboard F08, F10, F11,F13, F14, and F15 and from the three SSMIS radiometers aboard F16, F17, andF18.
The SSM/I part remains unchanged compared to the existing CM SAF SSM/ I FCDR (http://dx.doi.org/10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/FCDR_SSMI/V001).
The new FCDR provides homogenised and inter-calibrated brightness temperatures in a user friendly data format. The improved homogenization and inter-calibrationprocedure ensures the long term stability of the FCDR for climate related applications. All available raw data records have been reprocessed to a common standard, starting with the calibration of the raw Earth counts, to ensure a completely homogenized data record. The data processing accounts for several known issues with the SSM/I and SSMIS instruments and corrects calibration anomalies due to along-scan inhomogeneity, moonlight intrusions, sunlight intrusions, and emissive reflector. Furthermore, the inter-calibration model incorporates a scene dependent inter satellite bias correction and a non-linearitycorrection to the instrument calibration. The data files contain all available original sensor data and metadata to provide a completely traceable climate data record. Inter-calibration and Earth incidence angle normalization offsets are available as additional layers within the data files in order to keep this information transparent tothe users. The data record is complemented with radiometer sensitivities, quality flags, surface types, and Earth incidence angles. The data records can be ordered via the Web User Interface. More informationon the dataset is available from the DOI page http://dx.doi.org/10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/FCDR_MWI/V002
2015-03-06 No. 91: Effects of decontamination of Meteosat-10 SEVIRI instrument from 02-08 December 2014 on CM SAF EDR products TRS and TET
The decontamination of the SEVIRI instrument onboard Meteosat-10 (see also service message 89) affected the processing of the SEVIRI-based CM SAF Environmental Data Records (EDR) of TRS and TET. There are no daily mean products available for the time frame 02-08 December 2014. As a consequence the monthly mean as well as the monthly mean diurnal cycle products are based on a reduced amount of input data for December 2014. Users should be aware of the effects when interpreting the SEVIRI-based EDR products TRS and TET from December 2014.
2015-02-25 No. 90: Availability of new CM SAF CDR: The Surface Solar Radiation Data Set – Heliosat (SARAH)
The Surface Solar Radiation Data Set - Heliosat (SARAH) is a satellite-based climatology of the solar surface irradiance (SIS), the surface direct normalized irradiance (DNI) and the effective cloud albedo (CAL) derived from satellite observations of the visible channels of the MVIRI and SEVIRI instruments onboard the geostationary Meteosat satellites. The data are available from 1983 to 2013 and cover the region ±65° longitude and ±65° latitude. The products are available as monthly, daily, and hourly averages on a regular latitude/longitude grid with a spatial resolution of 0.05° x 0.05°. The data set is complemented with a comprehensive documentation of the applied algorithms as well as validation studies and user guidance.
The data can be ordered via the Web User Interface. More information on thedataset can be found via the DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/SARAH/V001.
- Status
see also service message 93
2015-01-10 No. 89: Decontamination of Meteosat-10 SEVIRI instrument from 02-08 December 2014 and effects on CM SAF EDR products CFC, CTT, CTH, CTP, SIS and SID.
From 02 December to 08 December 2014 EUMETSAT performed a decontamination of the SEVIRI instrument onboard Meteosat-10 (for further information please check the EUMETSAT News page http://www.eumetsat.int/website/home/News/DAT_2418124.html). During this time no Meteosat-10 SEVIRI data had been available.
Meteosat-10 SEVIRI data became available again at 09:30 UTC on 08 December 2014. This affected the processing of the SEVIRI-based CM SAF Environmental Data Records (EDR) of CFC, CTT, CTH, CTP, SIS and SID. Although Meteosat-8 replaced Meteosat-10 during this time, the SEVIRI-based CM SAF cloud and surface radiation products have not been calculated during the time frame of the satellite’s decontamination. There are no daily mean products available for the time frame 03-08 December 2014. The daily mean product for 02 December 2014 is based on a reduced amount of input data. The monthly mean as well as the monthly mean diurnal cycle products will be based on a reduced amount of input data for December 2014 as a consequence of the decontamination phase. Users should beaware of the effects when interpreting the SEVIRI-based EDR products from December 2014. Users might be interested to have a look at the products based onAVHRR data covering the CM SAF baseline area (30°N-80°N, 60°W-60°E) of CFC, CTT, CTH, CTP and SIS as an alternative data source during the decontamination phase.
2014-11-25 No. 88: Availability CM SAF CDR of cloud fraction from SEVIRI in high temporalresolution
The SEVIRI cloud mask dataset has been generated and released by the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring (CM SAF) to enhance the cloud property dataset CLAAS. The SEVIRI cloud mask dataset contains the cloud mask in 15 minutes temporal resolution. The dataset is pixel based, where a SEVIRI pixel is about 4x4 km² in size, depending on location in SEVIRI's field of view. The data are provided with regional coverage from ± 60° N/S and ± 60° E/W. Inter-calibrated effective radiances of Meteosat-8 and 9 form the basis of the cloud mask dataset which spans 9 years from 2004 to 2012. The dataset is complemented with a comprehensive documentation of the algorithms used and the generation of the dataset. Validation studies and user guidance are available as well. With this dataset, small, regional and large scale cloud processes at temporal scales of hours to years can be studied. In addition, the dataset is suited for all applications in which a conservative cloud mask is essential (e.g. landsurface, aerosol or trace gas retrievals).
The data can be ordered via the Web User Interface. More information on the dataset can be found via the DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/CMA_SEVIRI/V001.
2014-11-25 No. 87: New Version of CM SAF SEVIRI based EDR products from September 2014 onwards
CM SAF uses the super computer at ECMWF for the processing of its environmental data records. During this summer ECMWF changed from an IBM system to a Cray XC30 system (further information on ECMWF’s computing facilities can be found here). This required a migration of the CM SAF processing system to the new environment. To reflect the change in the processing system and the required adaptations in the processing environment, CM SAF introduced new version numbers for the affected products. CM SAF’s cloud and surface radiation products based on SEVIRI are available with the following new versionnumbers from September 2014 onwards:
Product | New versionnumber |
CFC | 350 |
CTH | 350 |
CTP | 350 |
CTT | 350 |
SIS | 350 |
SID | 350 |
Please also check the ChangeLog webpage for the history of the version numbers of the products.
Users having a standing order for the affected products will need to re-new theirstanding order if they want to further receive the products.
2014-11-06 No. 86: New Version of CM SAF AVHRR based EDR products from September 2014 onwards
CM SAF uses the super computer at ECMWF for the processing of its environmental data records. During this summer ECMWF changed from an IBM system to a Cray XC30 system (further information on ECMWF’s computing facilities can be found here). This required a migration of the CM SAF processingsystem to the new environment. To reflect the change in the processing system and the required adaptations in the processing environment, CM SAF introduced new version numbers for the affected products. CM SAF’s cloud and surface radiation products as well as the surface albedo product are available with the following new version numbers from September 2014 onwards:
Product | New version number |
CFC | 350 |
COT | 340 |
CPH | 350 |
CTH | 350 |
CTP | 350 |
CTT | 350 |
CWP | 340 |
SAL | 340 |
SIS | 330 |
Please also check the Change Log webpage for the history of the version numbers of the products.
Users having a standing order for the affected products will need to re-new their standing order if they want to further receive the products.
- Status
see Service message No. 138
2014-09-07 No. 85: New Version (340) of CM SAF ATOVS EDR products HTW, HLW and HSH for products from March 2014 onwards available
CM SAF upgraded the CM SAF ATOVS EDR processing environment in order to beable to handle ATOVS data from the EUMETSAT operated Metop-B satellite. These changes included an update to AAPP version 7.5 for the pre-processing of the ATOVS data and an upgrade to IAPP 4.0, the software package used for temperature and humidity profile retrieval developed at the University of Wisconsin. At the same time the processing environment for the ATOVS EDR processing has been moved to ECMWF’s new supercomputing system. These changes resulted in a new version number for the ATOVS EDR products for products from March 2014 onwards (new version number: 340). Users having a standing order of the affected products will need to re-new their standing order if they want to further receive the products. Until March 2014 ATOVS data from Metop-A and the NOAA satellites has been processed in different combinations during the time series, with NOAA-16 and Metop-A being the most recent combination used for the HTW, HLW and HSH products. As announced in Service Message 84 MHS on Metop-A entered into a fault mode in late March 2014 and could be recovered by EUMETSAT during the second half of May 2014. The CM SAF ATOVS EDR products are based on Metop-B and NOAA-16 data during the time period of the Metop-A recovery. Since Metop-A became available again the products have been generated using ATOVS data from both, Metop-A and Metop-B satellites. Unfortunately, the NOAA-16 satellite stopped sending data on the morning of 6 June 2014. On June 9 2014NOAA decommissioned NOAA-16 due to a major spacecraft anomaly (see e.g. POES status page). Thus, there is currently only data from satellites in the morning orbit used in the generation of the CM SAF ATOVS EDR products.
- Status
new version of products available, see service message 99
2014-05-26 No. 84: Delay in availability of CM SAF ATOVS EDR products HTW, HLW and HSH
The current version of the CM SAF ATOVS EDR products is based on ATOVS data from the NOAA-16 and the Metop-A satellites. On 26 March 2014 the MHS instrument on Metop-A entered into a fault mode during preparations for an out-of-plane manoeuvre. The recovery of the sensor took until 21 May 2014 resulting in about a two months gap in data availability. This sensor is mandatory forthe generation of the CM SAF ATOVS EDR products of HTW, HLW and HSH. During the recovery procedure at EUMETSAT, CM SAF had stopped the processingof the ATOVS EDR products. CM SAF is currently working on the implementation of Metop-B data into the processing environment in order to fill the data gap and continue the processing. During the time frame of the Metop-A failure the products will be based on Metop-B and NOAA-16 data. After Metop-A became available again, it is planned to continue processing using both Metop satellites in combination with NOAA-16. We will inform our users as soon as the ATOVS EDR products become available again and give more details on the implemented changes. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the delay in dataavailability.
- Status
products available again with new version number, see service message 85
2014-04-28 No. 83: Decontamination of Meteosat-10 SEVIRI instrument from 14 - 21 January 2014 and effects on CM SAF EDR products TRS and TET
From 14 January to 21 January 2014 EUMETSAT performed a decontamination of the SEVIRI instrument onboard Meteosat-10 (for further information please check the EUMETSAT News page http://www.eumetsat.int/website/home/News/DAT_2087886.html). During this time no Meteosat-10 SEVIRI data had been available. This results in the non-availability of the daily mean TRS and TET products for those 8 days. The users are warned that the monthly mean products, as well as the monthly mean diurnal cycle products, for January 2014 are based on a reduced number of days. This sampling problem is known to introduce significant random difference with respect tothe true monthly means (1st to 31th January). A quantitative evaluation of this effect will be provided in the next validation report for the TOA radiation products.
2014-01-29 No. 82: Availability of CM SAF Daylight Data set
The CM SAF Daylight Data Set is a satellite-based climatology derived from satellite-observations from the visible channel of the Meteosat satellites. The data are available from 1983 to 2011 and cover the region ±65° longitude and ±65° latitude. The products are available as monthly and daily means on a regular latitude/longitude grid with a spatial. resolution of 0.05° x 0.05° degrees. The data can be ordered via the Web User Interface.
Further information on the data set can be found via its DOI: 10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/DAL_MVIRI_SEVIRI/V001
2014-01-27 No. 81: Decontamination of Meteosat-10 SEVIRI instrument from 14-21 January 2014 and effects on CM SAF EDR products CFC, CTT, CTH, CTP, SIS and SID.
From 14 January to 21 January 2014 EUMETSAT performed a decontamination of the SEVIRI instrument onboard Meteosat-10 (for further information please check the EUMETSAT News page http://www.eumetsat.int/website/home/News/DAT_2087886.html). During this time no Meteosat-10 SEVIRI data had been available. Meteosat-10 SEVIRI data became available again at 09:30 UTC on 21 January 2014. This affected the processing of the SEVIRI-based CM SAF Environmental Data Records (EDR) of CFC, CTT, CTH, CTP, SIS and SID. Although Meteosat-9 replaced Meteosat-10 during this time, the SEVIRI-based CM SAF cloud and surface radiation products have not been calculated during the time frame of the satellite’s decontamination. There are no daily mean products available for the time frame14-20 January 2014. The daily mean product for 21 January 2014 is based on a reduced amount of input data. The monthly mean as well as the monthly mean diurnal cycle products based on SEVIRI will be based on a reduced amount of input data for January 2014 as a consequence of the decontamination phase. Users should be aware of the effects when interpreting the SEVIRI-based EDR products from January 2014.
Users might be interested to have a look at the products based on AVHRR data covering the CM SAF baseline area (30°N-80°N, 60°W-60°E) of CFC, CTT, CTH,CTP and SIS as an alternative data source during the decontamination phase.
2014-01-06 No. 80: Decontamination of SEVIRI on Meteosat-10 in July 2013 and effect on the CM SAF TOA EDR products
A decontamination of Meteosat-10 was performed between 1st and 9th of July 2013. This results in the non availability of the daily mean TRS and TET products for those 9 days. The users are warned that the monthly mean products, as well as the monthly mean diurnal cycle products, for this month are based on a reduced number of days (10th to 31st of July). This sampling problem is known to introduce significant random difference with respect to the true monthly means (1st to 31th July). A quantitative evaluation of this effect is provided in the validation report forthe TOA radiation dataset.
2013-10-25 No. 79: Availability of SEVIRI based climate data record
The first edition of the SEVIRI cloud property dataset has recently been generated and released by the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring (CM SAF). The CLAAS dataset contains cloud properties at various processing levels from pixel-based data (approx. 4km spatial resolution) to dailyand monthly averages (0.05° x 0.05° latitude-longitude grid). In addition, spatially resolved monthly mean diurnal cycles (0.25° x 0.25°) and monthly histograms (0.05° x 0.05°) are available. Input to the retrieval schemes were inter-calibrated effective radiances of Meteosat-8 and 9, allowing the current version of the dataset to homogeneously span 8 years from 2004 to 2011. Along with the data, a comprehensive documentation of the algorithms used, the generation of the datasetas well as validation studies and user guidance are available, with a brief summary given in Stengel et al. (2013) . With this dataset, small, regional and large scale cloud processes at temporal scales of hours to years can be studies. Subsequentlyto the derivation of the cloud properties, surface albedo (pentad and monthly means) and radiation budget products are inferred (daily and monthly means). The data can be ordered via the Web User Interface. Further information on the dataset can be found via its DOI: 10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/CLAAS/V001
2013-10-08 No. 78: Re-processing of SEVIRI-based SIS and SID EDR products for the time period March 2012 to April 2013
As described in service message 68 the SEVIRI based SIS and SID EDR products have been affected by a bug in the software for products from 01 March 2012 to30 April 2013. Following the request from several users CM SAF re-processed the affected SEVIRI-based products. The Meteosat-9 based products for the time period 01 March 2012 to 31 December 2012 are available via the Web User Interface with version number “335”, the products based on Meteosat-10 data from January 2013 onwards are available with version number “340”. We recommend our users who have ordered the products for the affected time period to replace the products with the re-processed data.
2013-09-26 No. 77: CF standard of METEOSAT based FTH data record
In order to increase consistency with CF standards the meta data for the METEOSAT based FTH data record (CM-139) has been adapted slightly. The data itself has not been changed.
2013-08-22 No. 76: Availability of CM SAF ATOVS Climate Data Record
The CM SAF ATOVS data set offers 13 years (01 January 1999 - 31 December 2011) of water vapour and temperature satellite-derived global products. Different parameters generated simultaneously are available: vertically integrated water vapour (kg/m2), vertically integrated water vapour (kg/m2) and mean temperature (K) in 5 layers, specific humidity (g/kg) and temperature (K) on 6 levels. Also available are number of valid observations and an uncertainty estimate. The data set was derived from ATOVS onboard the NOAA satellites, NOAA-15, NOAA-16, NOAA-17, NOAA-18, NOAA-19 and onboard the European Metop-A satellite. ATOVS is composed of three instruments: HIRS, AMSU-B/MHS and AMSU-A. After application of a kriging routine, the products are available as daily and monthly means on a cylindrical equal area projection of 90km×90km. Grid information is given for centre position. Layers are (hPa): 200-300, 300-500, 500-700, 700-850,850-surface. Levels are: 200, 300, 500, 700, 850, 1000 hPa. The data can be ordered via the Web User Interface. Further information on the data set can be found via its DOI: 10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/WVT_ATOVS/V001
2013-07-24 No. 75: Decontamination of Meteosat-10 SEVIRI instrument from 1-9 July 2013 and effects on CM SAF EDR products CFC, CTT, CTH, CTP, SIS and SID.
From 1 July to 9 July 2013 EUMETSAT performed a decontamination of the SEVIRI instrument onboard Meteosat-10 (for further information please check the EUMETSAT News page http://www.eumetsat.int/website/home/News/DAT_2045911.html). During this time no Meteosat-10 SEVIRI data had been available. Meteosat-10 SEVIRI data became available again at 09:15 UTC on 9 July 2013. This affected the processing of the SEVIRI-based CM SAF Environmental Data Records (EDR) of CFC, CTT, CTH, CTP, SIS and SID. Although Meteosat-8 replaced Meteosat-10 during this time, the SEVIRI-based CM SAF cloud and surface radiation products have not been calculated during the time frame of the satellite’s decontamination. There are no daily mean products available for the time frame 01-08 July 2013. The daily mean product for 09 July 2013 is based on a reduced amount of input data. The monthly mean as well as the monthly mean diurnal cycle products based on SEVIRI will be based on a reduced amount of input data for July 2013 as aconsequence of the decontamination phase. Users should be aware of the effects when interpreting the SEVIRI-based EDR products from July 2013.
2013-07-24 No. 74: Release of CM SAF Climate Data Record of Free Tropospheric Humidity from METEOSAT
The CM SAF Free Tropospheric Humidity (FTH) data set from METEOSAT2-5 and METEOSAT7-9 provides the mean relative humidity over a deep layer of the troposphere within ±45° longitude and ±45° latitude. The retrieval was developed at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and - after transfer to CM SAF - CM SAF and CNRS jointly extended the time series into the SEVIRI era. The product is defined under clear sky and low level cloud conditions and is available at3-hourly temporal resolution and as monthly averages (straightforward averagesover all valid observations) on a regular latitude/longitude grid with a spatialresolution of 0.625° × 0.625°. The temporal coverage of the data sets ranges from July 1983 to December 2009. The METEOSAT6 period, March 1997-May 1998, isnot covered. The FTH layer position and thickness depends on atmospheric condition, in particular water vapour content in the free troposphere. The clear sky radiance is provided as auxiliary information layer. The data can be ordered via the Web User Interface.
2013-07-22 No. 73: Release of CM SAF Climate Data Record of SNS based on MVIRI data
The data set of Surface net shortwave radiation (SNS, CM-69) covers 23 years (1983-2005) of monthly means in 0.03°x 0.03°resolution. The product is based on MVIRI data from Meteosat First Generation satellites (Meteosat-2 to Meteosat-7) and covers an area of about 70°S - 70°N and 70°W - 70°E. The data can be ordered via the Web User Interface. Further documentation including the validation report and user manual is available at http://www.cmsaf.eu, menu "Publication and Documentation".
2013-06-18 No. 72: Release of CM SAF Fundamental Climate Data Record of SSM/I Brightness Temperatures
The CM SAF Fundamental Climate Data Record of SSM/I Brightness Temperatures covers the time period from July 1987 to December 2008 including all available data from the six SSM/I radiometers aboard F08, F10, F11, F13, F14, and F15. It provides homogenised and inter-calibrated brightness temperatures in a user friendly data format. SSM/I data are used for a variety of applications, such as analyses of the hydrological cycle and related atmospheric and surface parameters,as well as remote sensing of sea ice. The improved homogenization and inter-calibration procedure ensures the long term stability of the FCDR for climate related applications. All available raw data records have been reprocessed to a common standard, starting with the calibration of the raw Earth counts to ensure a completely homogenized data record. The new inter-calibration model incorporates a scene dependent inter satellite bias correction and a non-linearity correction to the instrument calibration. Furthermore, the data processing accounts for several known issues with the SSM/I instruments and corrects calibration anomalies due to along scan inhomogeneity, moonlight intrusions, and sunlight intrusions. The data files contain all available original sensor data and metadata to provide a completely traceable climate data record. Inter-calibration and Earth incidence angle normalization offsets are available as additional layers within the data files in order tokeep this information transparent to the users. The data record is complemented with radiometer sensitivities, quality flags, surface types, and Earth incidence angles. The FCDR is available from the Web User Interface. Detailed information about the data processing, the file format and content and theperformance of the FCDR are available in the Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD), the Product User Manual (PUM) and the Validation Report, respectively.
- Status
Extension of FCDR time series available, see service message 92
2013-06-15 No. 71: Release of a new dataset of radiation budget at top of atmosphere: CM SAF TOA radiation “GERB” dataset
The CM SAF TOA radiation GERB dataset provides monthly mean, daily mean and monthly mean diurnal cycle of the TOA Reflected Solar (TRS) and TOA Emitted Thermal (TET). The product is based on the observations of the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB, Harries et al., 2005) instruments, on board the Meteosat Second Generation. Additionally, data from the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infra Red Imager (SEVIRI) and from the Cloud and Earth Radiant Energy System (CERES) are used, respectively, to fill gaps in the GERB data record and for Northern latitudes coverage.
This dataset complements the global datasets produced by the CERES team, in particular in providing a better observation of the diurnal cycle of the TOA radiation. Potential applications include the validation of the radiative scheme in NWP and climate models in particular in their dynamical dimension (e.g. the convection process) and the study of cloud and aerosol forcing.
The dataset currently covers 7 years (February 2004 to January 2011) and is provided on a sinusoidal equal-area grid with (45 km)² resolution. Comparisons of these data against the CERES products have shown that the products are within the required accuracy.
Details on the products in general, on retrieval methods and physical basis as wellas on quality can be found in the Product User Manual, the ATBD and the Validation Report.
The products are now available for ordering via Web User Interface. For more information contact our User Help Desk.
2013-06-03 No. 70: CLARA A1 cloud physical processing error and consequences on data usage
Recently, an error in the CLARA-A1 cloud physical property processing was detected. The radiative transfer look-up tables, used for the retrieval of particle effective radius from the 3.7 micrometer AVHRR channel (channel 3b), were based on spherical instead of hexagonal ice crystals. The use of spheres causes too low retrieved effective radiation. The magnitude of the underestimation depends on the viewing and illumination geometry as well as on the cloud optical properties themselves, and cannot be characterized in a simple way. The erroneous ice particleeffective radius directly affects the ice water path. Since the cloud thermodynamic phase retrieval is coupled with the optical thickness and effective radius retrieval, the cloud phase is also affected. Finally, the liquid water path is affected indirectly through the changing cloud phase. Investigation of the consequences for the official CLARA-A1 cloud products lead to the following conclusions:
- Fractional Cloud Cover (CFC, CM-05): no effect
- Joint Cloud property Histogram (JCH, CM-11): minor effect (product can still beused)
- Cloud Top Level (CTO, CM-17): no effect
- Cloud Optical Thickness (COT, CM-34): minor effect (product can still be used)
- Cloud Phase (CPH, CM-38): small effect, less than the accuracy requirement (product can still be used)
- Liquid Water Path (LWP, CM-43): small effect, less than the accuracy requirement (product can still be used)
- Ice Water Path (IWP, CM-47): considerable effect (product cannot be used)
Products from all AVHRR sensors are affected, except those that had channel 3a (1.6 micrometer) active instead of channel 3b. This means that products derived from Metop-A, NOAA-17, and NOAA-16 from October 2000 until April 2003 are not affected. No intermediate reprocessing will take place. The next release, CLARA-A2, is planned in 2016.
2013-05-24 No. 69: Availability of TRS and TET EDR products based on Meteosat-10 data
Complementing the Service Message 67, we are pleased to announce that the Top Of Atmosphere (TOA) radiation EDR products are also generated from Meteosat-10 since 1st of January 2013. The products are TOA Reflected Solar (TRS) and TOA Emitted Thermal fluxes in monthly mean, daily mean and monthly mean diurnal cycle formats. As the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) instrument on Meteosat-10 is still under calibration/validation, it is not used and the CM SAF products are currently based on the SEVIRI instrument data (which are converted in broadband radiation through empirical regressions which have been derived from SEVIRI and GERB observations on Meteosat-9). A message will be issued when the GERB data will be used again in the CM SAF TOA radiation products.
The products from January 2013 onwards are provided with a new version numberand new data source in the filename. Information on the latest version number andchanges in the products are also published via the ChangeLog of the CM SAF webpage. Users with a standing order of the affected products will need to re-new their standing order if they want to further receive the products.
- Status
see service message 94
2013-05-15 No. 68: New version of SIS and SID EDR products from May 2013 onwards
A bug has been discovered in a routine used for the calculation of the CM SAF SIS EDR products (from SEVIRI and AVHRR) and the SID EDR product (SEVIRI only). A wrong "out of range" limit for the surface albedo values lead to truncation of the surface albedo in the calculation of the SIS and SID products. This in turn leads to too optical thick clouds over land surfaces and hence to a negative bias is SIS and SID. This leads to an inhomogeneity (break) in the SEVIRI SIS and SID operational products (V330+331). The values between 01 March 2012 and 30 April 2013 exhibita significant negative bias in comparison to the whole time series. Also the AVHRR based SIS products are affected from V302 onwards till V310, i.e. starting from 01 Jan 2009.
The bug has been fixed for the new versions for products from 01 May 2013 onwards. The new version numbers are 340 for the MSG/SEVIRI based SIS and SID product and 320 for the AVHRR-based SIS product.
The affected products from May 2013 onwards are provided with a new version number. Information on the latest version number and changes in the products are also published via the ChangeLog of the CM SAF web page. Users with a standing order of the affected products will need to re-new their standing order if they want to further receive the products.
- Status
reprocessed affected data for SEVIRI based products, see service message 79
2013-03-27 No. 67: New version of SEVIRI based CM SAF EDR products from January 2013 onwards
We are pleased to announce the availability of updates for the CM SAF cloud (CFC,CTH, CTP, CTT) and surface radiation (SIS, SID) EDR products based on SEVIRI data. The updates were implemented for products from 01 January 2013 onwards.
In July 2012 EUMETSAT successfully launched the next MSG satellite, renamed to Meteosat-10, which took over the operational 0°-service from Meteosat-9 on 21 January 2013. Pre-operational data are already available from Meteosat-10 since mid-December 2012. CM SAF changed to using Meteosat-10 data from 1 January 2013 onwards for the SEVIRI based EDR products in order to use data from one single sensor for all data within one month (i.e., using data from the parallel dissemination until Meteosat-10 is the operational satellite). At the same time, CM SAF had to update from using the NWC SAF MSGv2010 to the NWC SAFMSGv2012 software package for the generation of the SEVIRI based cloud EDR products in order to process the new input data. Users should be aware that the satellite data before 21 January 2013 do have a pre-operational status. The data coverage available for the daily mean products of 20 and 21 January 2013 is slightly reduced compared to the expected coverage.
The affected products from January 2013 onwards are provided with a new version number. Information on the latest version number and changes in the products are published via the ChangeLog of the CM SAF web page. Users with a standing order of the affected products will need to re-new their standing order if they want tofurther receive the products.
- Status
new version for SIS and SID products, see servicemessage 68
2012-11-30 No. 66: Availability of CM SAF CLARA A1 dataset
We are pleased to announce that the CM SAF CLouds, Albedo and RAdiation dataset based on AVHRR GAC data edition 1 (CLARA A1) is now released. The dataset CLARA A1 covers the time period 1982-2009 for the cloud and surface albedo products and 1989-2009 for the surface radiation products. The dataset comprises the following parameters:
Surface radiation
- Surface Incoming Shortwave Radiation (SIS, CM-52)
- Surface Net Shortwave Radiation (SNS, CM-67)
- Surface Outgoing Longwave Radiation (SOL, CM-74)
- Surface Downward Longwave Radiation (SDL, CM-81)
- Surface Net Longwave Radiation (SNL, CM-88)
- Surface Radiation Budget (SRB, CM-95)
- Cloud Radiative Effect SW (CFS, CM-100)
- Cloud Radiative Effect LW (CFL, CM-101)
Albedo product
- Broadband Surface Albedo (SAL, CM-60)
Cloud products
- Fractional Cloud Cover (CFC, CM-05)
- Joint Cloud property Histogram (JCH, CM-11)
- Cloud Top level (CTO, CM-17)
- Cloud Optical Thickness (COT, CM-34)
- Cloud Phase (CPH, CM-38)
- Liquid Water Path (LWP, CM-43)
- Ice Water Path (IWP, CM-47)
The products are available via the Web User Interface. Please be aware that it will take until mid-December 2012 until the complete data set for the surface radiation products SNS, SRB and CFS will be available. All other products can already be ordered. The documentation of the dataset (ATBD, PUM, ValidationReport) is available via the Publication & Documentation section of the CM SAF Webpage.
2012-09-15 No. 65: Change in CM SAF EDR product portfolio from March 2012 onwards
We would like to inform our users that the CM SAF product portfolio of environmental data records (EDR) has changed with the start of the CM SAF CDOP 2 phase in March 2012. As already announced in the 2. Operations Report 2011 and the CM SAF Newsletter 4 some products have been discontinued.
The following products will be continued for reference dates from March 2012onwards:
Table 1 List of CM SAF EDR products which are continued in CDOP-2
Data Source | Parameter |
Table 2 gives the list of products which are no longer generated as EDR products at CM SAF after the product reference date of 29 February 2012. The products processed until the reference date 29 February 2012 will remain available to our users via the CM SAF Web User Interface.
Table 2 List of CM SAF EDR products which are discontinued in CDOP-2
Data Source | Parameter |
DIARAD/Virgo (TOA radiation) | TIS |
- Status
new version for SEVIRI based products,see service message 67; new version for SIS AVHRR product, see service message 67
2012-09-15 No. 64: Availability of delayed CM SAF Environmental Data Records (EDR)
We are pleased to announce that the delayed CM SAF EDR products are available again for our users. CM SAF has changed the NWP interface from GME model data to using ECMWF forecast data as background information in the generation of most CM SAF EDR products. The changes and following validation including a review of the products unfortunately took longer than anticipated. The high quality of the products has been confirmed by external reviewers on the basis of validation results and the approval to make the data available to our users has been received.
The following products have been affected by the change in NWP background data:
• AVHRR and SEVIRI based cloud and surface radiation products
• ATOVS based water vapour and temperature products.
Data are available from March 2012 onwards and the service specifications concerning the timeliness and availability of the products are met again.
The affected products from March 2012 onwards are provided with a new version number. Information on the latest version number and changes in the products are published via the ChangeLog of the CM SAF web page. Users with a standing order of the affected products will need to re-new their standing order if they want to further receive the products.
The EDR products for the top of atmosphere radiation (TRS and TET) are not affected by this change.
2012-06-15 No. 63: Delay in processing of several CM SAF Environmental Data Records (EDR)
Unfortunately we have to inform our users that we currently do have a delay in the processing of several CM SAF EDR products. CM SAF is presently changing the NWP interface from GME model data to using ECMWF forecast data as background information in the generation of most CM SAF EDR products. The changes and following validation including a review of the products take longer than anticipated. Therefore, we currently do not meet the service specifications regarding timeliness requirements.
The following products are affected by the change in NWP background data and the resultant delay in data provision:
- AVHRR and SEVIRI based cloud and surface radiation products
- ATOVS based water vapour and temperature products.
The EDR products for the top of atmosphere radiation (TRS and TET) are not affected by this change.
- Status
see service message 64
2011-10-20 No. 62: Limitations of usage of SIS CDR daily mean products before 1995
Analysis of the MVIRI based SIS CDR daily mean products showed some limitationsin the usability of the product before 1995. More details on the problem can be found here (PDF, 84KB, Barrier-free file)
2011-06-30 No. 61: MAGICSOL climate data set of effective cloud albedo and solar surface irradiance released
The data sets of Effective Cloud Albedo (CAL, CM-111), Surface Incoming Shortwave Radiation (SIS, CM-54) and Direct Irradiance at Surface (SID, CM-106) cover 23 years (1983-2005) of monthly, daily and hourly means in 0.03°x 0.03°resolution. The products are based on MVIRI data from Meteosat First Generationsatellites (Meteosat-2 to Meteosat-7) and cover an area of about 70°S - 70°N and 70°W - 70°E. It is one of the first solar radiation data sets based on MVIRI provided with high temporal and spatial resolution with climate quality. The data can be ordered via the CM SAF Web User Interface. Further documentation including the validation report and user manual is available at http://www.cmsaf.eu, menu "Publication and Documentation".
2011-03-30 No. 60: Important information for users of continuous orders
Users having placed a continuous order are kindly asked to check whether their ordered product has been affected by the introduced change in version numbers in January 2011 (see service message 59). A continuous order is always valid for the most recent version of the product valid at the day the continuous order is set up. Data for the chosen product is sent to the user continuously as long as this specific version number of the product is valid. If we update/change our product which is indicated by a change in the version number we kindly ask our users to re-new their continuous order. Our system is currently not able to do the change automatically. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank our users for their understanding.
2011-03-30 No. 59: New version of several AVHRR and SEVIRI based CM SAF products from January 2011 onwards
We are pleased to announce the availability of several updates for CM SAF cloud and surface radiation products based on AVHRR and SEVIRI data. The updates were implemented for products from 01 January 2011 onwards. The following list gives a summary of the main changes in the processing from January 2011 onwards:
- Implementation of the NWC SAF PPS 2010 software for AVHRR based cloud products replacing the NWC SAF PPS 2009 version.
- Implementation of new SAL software for AVHRR and SEVIRI based products.SAL now supports a correction of satellite-observed reflectances for variation resulting from topography changes. The snow albedo retrieval has also been amended as per requirements of the ORR-B review outcome. The topography correction is only applied to the AVHHR data but not to SEVIRI data.
According to the versioning approach of CM SAF the version numbers of all products being directly or indirectly affected by the introduced updates are changed from January 2011 onwards. For information on the current version numbers of all products and their dependence on the introduced changes please check the corresponding sections of our ChangeLog webpage.
- Status
see Service Message 64
2010-11-30 No. 58: Availability of new SEVIRI based product SID
The Surface incoming direct radiation (SID) based on SEVIRI data is available to our users via our Web User Interface. Details on this new product can be found in the Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) and the Product User Manual (PUM) which are available via the CM SAF Web page. Daily mean products are available starting with 11 April 2010, monthly mean products are available from April 2010 onwards as well. Please be aware that the first monthly mean product (April 2010) is only based on the data since 11 April. The first full month of data is May 2010.
- Status
see Service Message 64
2010-08-30 No. 57: Effect of changed satellite configuration on AVHRR based products
As reported in Service Message 56 the problems with the scan motor of AVHRR instrument onboard NOAA17 resulted in the exclusion of this sensor from April 2010 onwards. The reduction in number of available satellite overpasses results in areduction of area coverage for the AVHRR based SIS, SNS and SRB products, which is clearly visible in the daily and monthly mean products, especially in areassouth of about 50°N. Users should consider to use the SEVIRI based or merged (SEVIRI+AVHRR) products in these areas. The reduced coverage is due to the type of averaging and required minimum number of available valid values to generate the averaged value.
Details on the averaging of the surface radiation products are given in the Product User Manual Surface Radiation Products. The different cloud products do not show a reduced spatial coverage. However, they are obviously based on a reduced number of input data as well. The different spatial coverage between the abovementioned surface radiation products and the cloud products is explained by a different approach in the averaging of the data. Details can be found in the Product User manual Clouds.
2010-06-04 No. 56: Change in satellite configuration for AVHRR based products
NOAA reported problems with the scan motor of AVHRR onboard NOAA17 beginning in January 2010. On 31 March 2010 NOAA declared the AVHRR data of NOAA17 as unusable for the users (see http://www.oso.noaa.gov/poesstatus/componentStatusSummary.asp?spacecraft=17&subsystem=4 ). Analysis of the CM SAF products including NOAA17 data showed a negative effect of using NOAA17 in the averaging (e.g., stripes in the products). Therefore, NOAA17 will no longer be used in the processing of CM SAF offline products. This means that only two satellites are used from April 2010 onwards, the prime AM satellite Metop (provided via Eumetcast) and the prime PM satellite NOAA19 (provided via EARS). Please be aware that COT and CWP are now based on Metop data only.
2010-05-19 No. 55: Change in satellite configuration for HTW, HLW and HSH from February 2010 onwards
As described in service message 54 the satellite configuration used in the generation of the ATOVS based products had been changed in December 2009 as the software could not handle the missing data from Metop-A’s channel 7. In the meantime the developers of the software upgraded the required files for the International ATOVS Processing Package (IAPP) to allow retrieval of temperature and humidity profiles without this channel. For all products from February 2010 onwards the updated version is used in the processing, now using ATOVS data from NOAA-16, NOAA-19 and Metop.
- Status
see Service Message 64
2010-03-31 No. 54: Change in satellite configuration for HTW, HLW and HSH from December 2009 onwards
A continuing degradation of Metop-A’s channel 7 brightness temperatures has been observed by Eumetsat and reached values of NEdT of about 5 K in early December 2009. As the increased level of degradation led to a loss of other AMSU-A channel data of nominal quality, Eumetsat had decided to change the dissemination configuration on 10 December 2009. From this date onwards the degraded channel 7 data are set to „missing“ in the disseminated product. However, this resulted in CM SAF not being able to process ATOVS data from Metop anymore as the used software (IAPP v3.0b) requires data from this channel. After a series of tests it has been decided to change the satellite configuration from December 2009 onwards and to use NOAA16 and NOAA19 data in the processing of HTW, HLW and HSH. AMSU-A channel 4 onboard the satellite NOAA-16 is out of spec performance since March 2008 and NOAA-16 had therefore been excluded from the processing since that date. However, the software had been updated and this channel is now excluded from the retrieval. It is consequently possible to use the other NOAA16 instruments and AMSU-A channels for the retrieval. The first validation results have shown reasonable quality of the products.
- Status
Update available, see service message 55
2010-02-25 No. 53: Information concerning CTY products
As described in the 1. Operations Report 2009, a change in remapping table for the SEVIRI based cloud type products was intended to be introduced from January 2009 onwards. However, the change in remapping table has not been properly transferred from the test environment to the operational environment. Thus, the change has not taken place yet. Furthermore, it also affected the cloud type products generated from AVHRR data from January 2009 onwards. This was revealed in the validation of the products. In both cases only the two cloud type classes “high semitransparent” and “high opaque” are affected. Further information is given in the Annual Validation Report 2009. This problem will be corrected as follows: AVHRR-based CTY products are currently re-calculated from January 2009 onwards (change back to the original and correct remapping table) and the affected products will be replaced in our database. No new version number will be introduced. Users of the products are informed accordingly. For SEVIRI-based CTY-products the envisaged change in remapping table is introduced in product version 330 for products from January 2010 onwards. A replacement of the data from January 2009 (i.e., the planned time of product update) is not foreseen.
- Status
new version available, see service message 59
2009-12-04 No. 52: New version number for several CM SAF SEVIRI based and merged surface radiation products from November 2009 onwards
Following the CM SAF versioning approach (see ChangeLog) the change in the processing of GERB (see service message 51) results in new version numbers for products which are affected by the change in input data. The version number of the SEVIRI based and merged surface radiation products SIS, SNS and SRB is changed from November 2009 onwards. Please check the corresponding ChangeLog page for further information.
- Status
new version available, see service message 59
2009-12-04 No. 51: New version number for CM SAF TRS and TET products due to change in GERB processing on 23 October 2009
Due to a change in the processing of GERB data on 23 October 2009 including an adaptation in the cloud retrieval, the version number of the CM SAF TRS and TET products changes. The new version number will be 302 for TRS and TET for daily mean products from 23 October 2009 onwards. The version number of the monthly mean and monthly mean diurnal cycle products will be changed from 1 November 2009 onwards. Please be aware that the monthly products of TRS and TET for October 2009 include a change in the input data due to the change in the GERB version.
2009-12-01 No. 50: Safe mode of Meteosat-9 satellite in August 2009 and consequences for CM SAF TOA products
Due to the „safe mode“ of Meteosat-9 in August 2009 (see service message 44) no daily mean TRS and TET products are available for the time period 15–21 August 2009. The monthly mean and monthly mean diurnal cycle products for August 2009 are based on a reduced amount of data.
2009-12-01 No. 49: Update on availability and usability of TRS and TET data during Meteosat-9 safe mode phase in April 2009
Further analysis of the daily mean TRS and TET products from 17 to 23 April 2009 during the safe mode of Metosat-9 have revealed a reduced quality of the data. Therefore, the data are no longer available for ordering. Users having already ordered the data of this time period are advised not to use these data in their analysis. The monthly mean and monthly mean diurnal cycle TRS and TET for April 2009 can be used but are based on a reduced amount of data.
2009-10-30 No. 48: New versions for merged AVHRR and SEVIRI surface radiation products from 1 July 2009 onwards available
As a consequence of the increased spatial coverage of AVHRR based products the region where merging takes place has been extended. Merging takes now place between a slant angle of 60 to 70 degree everywhere on MSG disk (corresponds to a circular ring around 0,0 latitude/longitude with a radius of 65 and width of 60 to 70 degree north defined at a longitude of zero). Below a slant angle of 60 degree MSG based products are used, above 70 degree NOAA based products are used and if not present no data values are given.
For version numbers valid for products from July 2009 onwards please check the ChangeLog webpage
- Status
new version numbers from Nov 2009, seee service message 52
2009-09-15 No. 47: Availability of new versions for all AVHRR based cloud and surface radiation products from 1 July 2009 onwards
We are pleased to inform our users about the update for all AVHRR based cloud and surface radiation products for reference dates from 1 July 2009 onwards.
The major changes of the products included
- NOAA 18 data have been replaced by NOAA 19 data in EARS on 8 July 2009
- Implementation of NWC SAF SW package PPS 2009 for cloud products
- Using NWP SAF SW package AAPP v6.10
Please check the corresponding ChangeLog webpage for the new version numbers of the products.
- Status
new version available, see service message 59
2009-09-01 No. 46: New AVHRR based cloud and surface radiation products for the Arctic region from 1 January 2009 onwards
We are pleased to inform our users about the availability of new AVHRR based cloud and surface radiation products covering the Arctic region. Daily and monthly mean products of cloud fraction, cloud type, cloud top height/ temperature/ pressure as well as surface albedo are available with a spatial resolution of 15km x 15 km. The products are available from 1 January 2009 onwards and are based on the same routines as the AVHRR products released earlier this year (see Service Message 41 for more details).
- Status
new version available, see service message 59
2009-08-18 No. 45: Availability of ATOVS version 320 water vapour and temperature products
Please be aware of the change in version number for all ATOVS products (HTW, HLW, HSH). Since June 2009 ATOVS products are generated at ECMWF by application of the ATOVS software package version 320. The ATOVS version 320 products are based on NOAA19 and MetOp-A observations. NOAA15 and NOAA18 are not included because NOAA declared the HIRS instrument on both satellites not operational. The change in platforms further required an update of AAPP and IAPP software packages. In version 320, AAPP version 6.10 and IAPP version 3.0b are implemented. Service Specifications for the month June 2009 are generally met except for the bias of water vapour products at middle tropospheric levels and layers. This is most likely caused by a decreased gain of NOAA19 MHS channels 3 and 4.
- Status
see Service Message 64
2009-08-15 No. 44: Safe mode of Meteosat-9 satellite in August 2009 and consequences for CM SAF products
On 15 August 2009, 0513 UTC a so-called „safe mode“ of Meteosat-9 has been triggered due to a spurious event http://oiswww.eumetsat.org/UNS/webapps/dataHome.do. As a result services had been switched to Meteosat-8. Meteosat-9 became operational again on 21 August 2009, 0900 UTC. Consequently, no SEVIRI data are available from the Meteosat-9 satellite for this time period. Although Meteosat-8 replaced Meteosat-9 during this time, the SEVIRI-based CM SAF cloud and surface radiation products have not been calculated during the time frame of the satellite’s safe mode. No daily mean products are available for the time period 15 – 20 August 2009. No weekly mean SAL product has been calculated for the reference date 17 August 2009. Please be aware that the SEVIRI-based monthly mean and monthly mean diurnal cycle cloud and surface radiation products for August 2009 as well as the SAL weekly mean product for the reference date 10 Aug 2009 are based on a reduced amount of data.
2009-06-03 No. 42: Safe mode of Meteosat-9 satellite in April 2009 and consequences for CM SAF products
From 17 April 2009 to 23 April 2009 Meteosat-9 went into a so-called „safe mode“ http://oiswww.eumetsat.org/UNS/webapps/dataHome.do. Consequently, no SEVIRI data are available from this satellite for this time period. Although Meteosat-8 replaced Meteosat-9 during this time period, the SEVIRI-based CM SAF cloud and surface radiation products have not been calculated during the time frame of the satellite’s safe mode. Please be aware that the daily mean products for 17 April 2009 and 23 April 2009 are based on a reduced amount of data. The same is true for the SEVIRI-based monthly mean and monthly mean diurnal cycle products for April 2009.
2009-04-18 No. 43: Safe mode of Meteosat-9 satellite in April 2009 and consequences for CM SAF TOA products
From 17 April 2009 to 23 April 2009 Meteosat-9 went into a so-called „safe mode“ http://oiswww.eumetsat.org/UNS/webapps/dataHome.do. Consequently, no GERB data are available from this satellite for this time period. Although Meteosat-8 replaced Meteosat-9 during this time period, the GERB- and GERB-like-based CM SAF TOA products could not be calculated during the time frame of the satellite’s safe mode. Please be aware that the daily mean products between 17 April 2009 and 23 April 2009 are only based on CERES data. The monthly mean and monthly mean diurnal cycle products for April 2009 are based on a reduced amount of data.
- Status
please check service message 49
2009-03-16 No. 41: New version of AVHRR based cloud and surface radiation products and merged surface radiation products from 1 January 2009 onwards
We are pleased to inform our users about the availability of our updated AVHRR based cloud and surface radiation products for the so-calledbaseline area. The products are available from 1 January 2009 onwards. The major changes of the products included
- change from processing locally received NOAA/AVHRR data to processing NOAA/AVHRR data from EARS and Metop data received via EUMETCAST in satellite projection
- Implementation of NWC SAF SW package PPS 2008 for cloud products
- Using NWP SAF SW package AAPP v6.6
- Implementation of a new software version for cloud physical products
- Implementation of new software version for SAL
- Migration to a new processing environment
Please check the corresponding ChangeLog webpage for the new version numbers of the products. The changes in processing of AVHRR data also resulted in new version numbers for the merged surface radiation products.
- Status
new release available, see service message 47 and service message 48
2009-02-27 No. 40: Release of CM SAF's first climate data set: Vertically integrated water vapour from SSM/I
Vertically integrated water vapour over global ice free ocean, retrieved from DMSP - SSM/I data from July 1987 - August 2006 (HOAPS version 3.1), is now available via the WUI. A description of the product is given in the Product User Manual Vertically Integrated Water Vapour from SSM/I.
2009-02-26 No. 39: Availability of ATOVS version 310 water vapour and temperature products
Please be aware of the change in version number for all ATOVS products (HTW, HLW, HSH). Since January 2009 ATOVS products are generated at ECMWF. For further details concerning the different version numbers please check our Change log page.
- Status
new version available, see Service Message No. 45
2008-12-19 No. 38: Availability of TOA products from September 2007 onwards
The top of atmosphere products TIS, TRS and TET from September 2007 onwards are available again until July 2008. Please be aware of the change in version number for TRS and TET. For further details concerning the different version numbers please check our ChangeLog page.
- Status
new version available, see Service Message No. 51
2008-12-17 No. 37: Decontamination of Meteosat 9 in December 2008 and effect on CM SAF cloud and surface radiation products
2008-11-26 No. 36: Note on version 300 ATOVS product: quality of products
Negative values for daily averages of humidity products were found in data from September 2008. Negative values are not present in the monthly average products. Among all daily averaged humidity products the maximum frequency of occurrence is found for the mixing ratio at 500 hPa (0.47%, median: 0.29%), and the minimum absolute value is found for TPW (-6.2 kg/m^2, median: -0.42 kg/m^2).
Please be aware that such data may also occur in other months. Please do not consider these erroneous data points for your analysis. Note that the validation report for version 300 ATOVS products remains valid.
- Status
new version available, see service messages 39
2008-11-26 No. 35: Note on version 300 ATOVS product: error in metadata
An error in the meta data of version 300 ATOVS products was detected. The user is advised to utilise the longitude and latitude information provided on http://www.cmsaf.eu (go to "Product examples & Services" and then to "Auxilary Data") instead of constructing longitude and latitude fields from meta data.
2008-09-30 No. 34: SEVIRI-based products for May 2008
EUMETSAT introduced the new radiance definition for the operational Meteosat-9 level 1.5 SEVIRI image data on 5 May 2008 (Introduction of MSG level 1.5 Effective Radiance Definition). In order to avoid changes in the products within a month, CM SAF decided to process SEVIRI data with the new radiance definition from 1 May 2008 onwards (which EUMETSAT distributed in parallel to the former definition for this time period).
On 13 May 2008, 21:06 UTC Meteosat-9 went into safe mode (Source: EUMETSAT User Service) including a switch-off of the payload. SEVIRI data was distributed again in a pre-operational mode from 16 May 2008 onwards, with a switch to operational status on 19 May 2008. In order to keep the gap in the CM SAF products as small as possible, CM SAF started processing SEVIRI data from Meteosat-9 again once data became available on 16 May 2008. No daily mean products are available for 14-15 May 2008. Due to the data gap the corresponding weekly mean SAL product as well as all monthly mean and monthly mean diurnal cycle products are generated with a reduced data base.
2008-09-25 No. 33: Availability of SEVIRI based products
The processing of cloud and surface radiation products based on Seviri from May 2008 onwards has been set up again. Please refer to the ChangeLog pages concerning details on the changes for the products. The products are available via the CM SAF Web User Interface.
2008-09-17 No. 32: Note on SAL products from AVHRR for version 310
Users are instructed to be careful when using SAL version 310 products derived from AVHRR for the baseline area. The product has a positive bias of several percent absolute resulting from an erroneous sun zenith angle normalization. The bias may be higher for barren areas. The flaw has been found and corrected and will not affect baseline area SAL products derived from AVHRR from the next version onwards. The SAL products for MSG/Seviri are not affected.
- Status
see Service Message No. 41
2008-09-01 No. 31: Release of new version 300 of ATOVS based humidity and temperature products:
Global HTW, HLW and HSH products based on NOAA/ATOVS data from January 2004 onwards are now available via the WUI. A description of the products is given in the Product User Manual (PUM). At the same time we want to inform our users that the HTW and HLW products based on Seviri as well as the merged ATOVS/Seviri products are discontinued and are no longer available to the user due to insufficient quality for climate monitoring purposes. The HTW, HLW and HSH products based on ATOVS data for the versions V200 and V210 are superseded by the release of V300. Thus, these versions are no longer distributed to the user.
- Status
see Service Message No. 35 , Service Message No. 36 and Service Message No. 39
2008-07-11 No. 30: Delay in availability of SEVIRI based products
All cloud and surface radiation products based on SEVIRI are not available since May 2008 due to adaptation in connection with the change of radiance definition (for details see Introduction of MSG level 1.5 Effective Radiance Definition). The provision of products (from May onwards) will be continued in September 2008.
- Status
Products available, see Service Message No. 33
2008-05-06 No. 29: New version of radiation products derived from AVHRR
We are pleased to announce the availability of a new version of SAL derived from AVHRR from 1 may 2008 onwards.
The main updates in SAL version 310 comparing to earlier ones are:
- The SMAC correction for snow pixels has been removed, as the Manalo-Smith algorithm already accounts for atmospheric effects.
- Water albedo is now normalized to 60 degrees sun zenith angle (SZA) as well, resulting in a standard albedo value of 6.76% over sea until other auxiliary data such as wind speed and chlorophyll concentrations becomes available for processing.
- The SZA processing limit in the product should now remove all non-valid pixels, whether land, sea or sea ice.
Some minor bug fixes have also been implemented, although they have no or negligible effect on the final product. A full ATBD concerning SAL 310 will be released later in 2008.
Following a new versioning concept, all products being affected by the update (e.g., using the data as input) are processed using a new version number as well. Therefore SIS, SNS and SRB derived from AVHRR are produced with version number 301 from 1 May 2008 onwards.
Reference: Manalo-Smith, N., Smith, G.L., Tiwari, S.N. and Staylor, W.F., 1998. Analytic forms of bidirectional reflectance functions for application to earth radiation budget studies. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 103, No. D16, pp. 19733-19752
2008-04-14 No. 28: Delay in availability of TOA products
The TOA products TIS, TRS and TET are available until August 2007. Unfortunately, the products cannot be processed from September 2007 onwards at the moment due to technical reasons. We will inform you once the data will become available.
- Status
Product available again, see Service Message No. 38
2008-04-14 No. 27: Availability of AVHRR/SEVIRI merged surface radiation products
Merged surface radiation products from May 2007 onwards based on the products derived from AVHRR and SEVIRI are now available via our Web User Interface.
- Status
new version available, see Service Message No. 33
2008-01-09 No. 26: Decontamination of Meteosat-9 in December 2007 and effect on CM SAF cloud and surface radiation products
2007-11-20 No. 25: Change in Cloud Physical products (COT, CWP, CPH) from SEVIRI due to re-calibration
From 5th August 2007 onwards SEVIRI radiances are re-calibrated to corresponding MODIS radiances for the retrieval of cloud physical properties. COT and CWP results therefore change (mainly increase) by about 15-30%, depending on region and viewing geometry. Re-calibration of SEVIRI radiances to corresponding MODIS channels will be subject to further changes. Current COT/CWP results may be too high by about 10-20%, especially in humid tropical regions and Southern Midlatitudes.
2007-11-20 No. 24: Note on accuracy of surface albedo over ocean
The ocean albdeo is erroneous in case of the NOAA product for the period March to August 2007, probably due to errors in the snow flag of the cloud mask over ocean. This leads also to erroneous values of the net shortwave surface flux (SNS) for the same period (March 2007 - August 2007). Additionally, users should be aware that the water albedo is from September 2007 on not retrieved using satellite data, but is modelled. For details about the applied method, see http://www-cave.larc.nasa.gov/jin/getocnlut.html
2007-10-08 No. 23: New version of TOA radiation products available
We are pleased to inform our users that a new version (V 300) of the CM SAF TOA radiation products based on GERB1 onboard Meteosat 9 is available from 01 May 2007 onwards.
- Status
new version available, see Service Message No. 38
2007-09-21 No. 22: Availability of products TIS, TRS and TET
The products TIS, TRS and TET for Version 120 are now available to the user starting 1st of February 2004
- Status
Product available until 30.04.2007, see Service Message No. 23
2007-09-17 No. 21: New version of AVHRR based cloud and radiation products available
We are pleased to inform our users that a new version (V 300) of the CM-SAF products based on NOAA/AVHRR data is available from 01 September 2007 onwards. For more details on changes in the processing please check our ChangeLog.
- Status
see Service Message No. 29
2007-07-12 No. 20: CM SAF products of system version 3 available
We are pleased to inform our users that the first CM SAF products of system version 3 are available from 1st May 2007 onwards. CM SAF version 3 includes: Area extension of SEVIRI processing to full disk new ATOVS processing based on IAPP AVHRR/SEVIRI merging for surface radiation products.
- Status
see Service Message No. 31 and Service Message No. 33
2007-07-06 No. 19: NWP remapping problem for version 160
In version 160 a misprojection of GME model fields has been discovered. With an incorrect NWP configuration of PPS version 1.1 a serious error in the seasonal variation of cloudiness appears. A short description of the error estimation can be found here (PDF, 34KB, Barrier-free file).
- Status
Solved with release of version 300, see Service Message No. 21
2007-05-10 No. 18: Stop of processing for all products derived from Meteosat 8 data on 9th of May 2007
The dissemination of data from Meteosat 8 has been stopped by EUMETSAT on 10 May 2007, 10 UTC. Thus, our products based on Meteosat 8 data are only available until 9 May 2007! Meteosat 9 is the operational geostationary satellite of EUMETSAT since 11 March 2007. CM SAF plans to distribute data derived from sensors onboard Meteosat 9 in July 2007.
- Status
Products derived from Meteosat 9 have been released, see Service Message No. 20
2007-01-10 No. 17: Top of atmosphere product: new version available
2006-09-29 No. 16: HCP ATOVS and Merged products: stop of processing
Due to technical reasons the following products are no longer available with effect from 19.09.2006: HTW and HLW from ATOVS and Merged Product as well as HSH from ATOVS. With the introduction of CM SAF Version 3, global products from ATOVS based on different input data will be available.
- Status
new version available, see Service Message No. 31
2006-08-24 No. 15: Note on data ordering
After submitting your request for data, you may receive the error message "internal server error". This means that you order has not been properly executed. This occurs occasionally and we are presently investigating the cause for this error. Logout and login and try to submit your order again. If this is still not successfull, please send your order via email to contact.cmsaf@dwd.de. We expect to solve this issue within the next few weeks. Sorry for the inconvenience.
- Status
Problem has been solved
2006-08-22 No. 14: Status of SEVIRI-based Cloud Phase Product (CPH)
Daily mean and monthly mean of Cloud Phase Product (CPH) from MSG is missing for baseline area since 01.09.2005
- Status
Solved with release of V300 for MSG, see Service Message No.20
2006-08-01 No. 13: New version of MSG products available
A new version of MSG cloud, surface radiation and humidity products is available. Data have been reprocessed starting 01.09.2005. The version 200 is not longer available.
- Status
See change log for recent updates and availability
2006-07-20 No. 12: HCP Products: error in product catalogue
Error in product catalogue and ordering system: All SEVIRI and merged SEVIRI/ATOVS HCP products are at (3 km)**2 and not at (15 km)**2 spatial resolution as stated in the catalogue and ordering system.
- Status
Documentation has been changed accordingly
2006-07-20 No. 11: Quality of SEVIRI only water vapour products
SEVIRI only water vapour estimates have a rather poor quality (please look at the HCP Validation Report). If high spatial resolution is needed for an analysis it is recommended to use the SEVIRI/ATOVS merged product, where SEVIRI retrievals are rescaled using ATOVS data.
- Status
The data is no longer available to the user, see Service Message No. 31
2006-07-20 No. 10: Top of atmosphere reflected solar and emitted thermal radiative flux (TRT, TET)
In addition to the merged CM SAF product, pure GERB or GERB-like (MSG/SEVIRI based) are available on request.
(User Help Desk)
2006-07-20 No. 9: Status of surface albedo product from MSG/SEVIRI
The MSG processing chain is not yet validated / fully checked. Overestimates of surface albedo values of a few percent (in absolute units) are possible.
- Status
See validation reports (available on webpage)
2006-06-01 No. 8: COT/CWP products from MSG/SEVIRI: health warning
Due to a bug in the data supply of the COT/CWP retrieval chain the products from MSG/SEVIRI are of limited quality until January 31st, 2006.
- Status
Solved with release of version 210 for products derived from MSG, see change log for details
2006-01-06 No. 7: CM SAF products of system version 2 available
After passing successfully the Operational Readiness Review in September 2005 we are pleased to inform our users that CM SAF products of system version 2 including SEVIRI data and HCP products are available from 1st September 2005 onwards.
- Status
see change log for recent system upgrades and availability of different versions
2005-04-27 No. 6: Target Accuracy
The target accuracy of 10 W/m² for monthly means of the radiation components (SOL, SDL, SIS) and 15 W/m² for the radiation budgets (SNS, SNL, SRB) is in general achieved. In very complex and heterogenous regions, e.g., the Alpine region, higher bias values occur.
- Status
See validation reports available on web page
2005-03-03 No. 5: Problem in cloud fraction averages
Currently, all pixels identified as snow / ice are falsely calculated as cloudy during the averaging procedure. Depending on the number of snow / ice pixels, this leads to an overestimation of cloudiness.
- Status
Solved with release of version 150
2005-03-02 No. 4: Calibration of NOAA-17 radiances
Due to outdated calibration correction factors the emitted blackbody temperatures of channel 4 of NOAA-17 currently show a bias of approx. 5 K compared to NOAA-15 and 16. The most obvious effect on our daily products is an observed bias in the derived cloud top temperatures. The problem is identified and will be solved with the next version update scheduled for April 1st.
- Status
Solved with release of V140
2005-03-02 No. 3: Data gap Data gap in AVHRR product for 10 Feb 2005
Due to a malfunction of the NOAA satellite receiving system at DWD data for February 10th, 2005 are not available.
2005-01-01 No. 2: Status operational processing
The CM SAF is performing operational production (initial operations mode, based on NOAA/AVHRR data for cloud and surface radiation products; system version 1) starting 01 January 2005. The upgraded system version 2 (inclusion of MSG data and HCP products) will include improved procedures of input data control, performance monitoring, product quality assurance and validation. System version 2 is expected for summer 2005.
- Status
See change log for currently available versions and updates
2005-01-01 No. 1: Artefacts in AVHRR cloud products
Due to known limitations in the cloud processing artefacts may appear in the end products which look like straight lines across sub-areas. It is expected that this will be solved for V2 (summer 2005).
- Status
Solved with release of V150