GSB 7.1 Standardlösung

CM SAF: science and management staff

Deutscher Wetterdienst

Logo of Deutscher Wetterdienst

NameRole in CM SAF
Rainer HollmannCM SAF Project manager
Nathalie SelbachHead of Operations
Marc SchröderHead of Science
Karsten FennigScientist (Water Vapour group)
Hannes KonradSenior Scientist (Head of Water Vapour group)
Martin StengelSenior scientist (Cloud group)
Jörg TrentmannSenior scientist (Radiation group)

Centre national de la recherche scientifique

Centre National de la recherche scientifique

NameRole in CM SAF
Sophie ClochéEngineer (Precipitation group)
Rémy RocaSenior Scientist (Precipitation group)

Finnish Meteorological Institute

Logo FMI

NameRole in CM SAF
Emmihenna JääskeläinenScientist
Terhikki ManninenSenior Scientist
Aku RiiheläPost-Doctoral Scientist

Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute


NameRole in CM SAF
Jan Fokke MeirinkScientist (Cloud Group)
Nikos BenasScientist (Cloud Group)
Gerd-Jan van ZadelhoffScientist (Cloud Group)


Swiss Confederation

NameRole in CM SAF
Anke Duguay-Tetzlaff Senior Scientist (Radiation Group)
Quentin BourgeoisScientist (Radiation Group)

Royal Meteorological Institute Belgium

Logo of Royal Meteorological Institute Belgium Logo RMIB

NameRole in CM SAF
Nicolas ClerbauxScientist (TOA radiation group, aerosol)
Tom AkkermansScientist (TOA radiation group)
William MoutierScientist (surface latent and sensible heat fluxes)

Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institut


NameRole in CM SAF
Karl-Göran KarlssonSenior scientist (Head of Cloud Group)
Salomon EliassonScientist
Erik JohanssonScientist


UK Met Office

NameRole in CM SAF
Roger SaundersSteering group member
Lizzie GoodScientific Manager (Upper Tropospheric Water Vapour from passive microwave observations)
Christoforos TsamalisSenior Scientist (Upper Tropospheric Water Vapour from passive microwave observations)
Rob KingScientist (Upper Tropospheric Water Vapour from passive microwave observations)

MSt / May2023

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