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Hamburg Ocean Primitive Equation Model
Co-operation Agreement
Reflectance Channel 1 & 2
Cloud Albedo
Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations
Climate Change Detection
Cloud Correction Factor
Commission for Climatology (WMO)
Climate Change Science Program
Compact Disk
Climate Data Operator
Continuous Development and Operations Phase
Command and Display Programme
Climate Data Record
Cooperating Entitiy
Co-ordinated Enhanced Observational Period (GEWEX)
Committee on Earth Observation Satellites
Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System
Cabauw Experimental Site for Atmospheric Research (Netherlands)
Climate and Forecast
Fractional Cloud Cover
Cloud radiative effect longwave
Cloud radiative effect shortwave
Co-ordination Group for (Geostationary) Meteorological Satellites
CHAllenging Mini-Satellite Payload
Climate, Hydrological and Atmospheric Research exploiting MSG
Configuration Item
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies
Configuration Item Responsible Person
Cloud Ice Water Sub-milliter Imaging Radiometer
CM SAF Cloud property dAtAset using SEVIRI
CM SAF cLouds, Albedo and Radiation dataset from AVHRR data
Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System
Climate and Cryosphere
Climate Information and Prediction Services
Climate and Variability and Prediction Project
Cloud liquid water network
Climate Monitoring
Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring
Canadian Meteorological Agency
Cloud Mask (probabilistic)
CPC Merged Analysis of Precipitation
Coupled Model Intercomparison Project
Conical Microwave Imager Sounder
Commission for Maritime Meteorology,WMO
Configuration Management Plan
CLIWA Network (Measurement Campaigns 1 and 2)
Centre National de la Recherché Scientifique
Close out
Cooperation Agreement
Cooperative Ocean/Atmosphere Research Data Service
Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Response Experiment
Conference of the Parties
Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate
Committee on Space Research
Cloud Optical Thickness
Cloud (Thermodynamic) Phase
Cloud Physical Products
Central Processing Unit
Cross-track Infrared Sounder
Climate Research Unit (University of East Anglia)
Continental Scale Experiments
Climate System Monitoring
Client-Server Oraclebank
Cloud Sky Radiance
Cloud Top Height
Cloud Top parameters
Cloud top pressure
Cloud Top Temperature
Cloud Top Temperature and Height Products
Instantaneous Products
Cloud Type
Cumulus congestus
Cloud (Liquid) Water Path
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