GSB 7.1 Standardlösung

Latest Product examples

This page displays a selection of images from of our three continuously produced global and regional (covering Europe and Africa) products, which are so called Interim Climate Records. These are regular extensions of our climate data records processed with shorter temporal latency. The algorithms and processing systems are as consistent as possible to the generation of the reference.

All images are linked to the corresponding product pages in our Web User Interface. There you can directly order the products and get more information about the data. You can browse through more images of the selected parameter. The name in brackets in the above list includes the product family name in the search mask of the Web User Interface.
For each of the three product families a link to the respective detailed data record information is provided at the start of section. These data record landing pages provide links to the respective documentation as well as information on further product members in the product family (e.g. additional temporal or areal coverage, more parameters) for the CDR and the shown ICDR.

Regional surface radiation products (ICDR SEVIRI Radiation)

Details about the regional surface radiation products, covering Europe and Africa, are available on the SARAH-3 DOI landing page. Daily products are shown on the left, monthly products on the right hand side.

Regional cloud properties products (ICDR SEVIRI Clouds)

Details about the regional cloud products, covering Europe and Africa, are available on the CLAAS-3 DOI landing page. Daily products are shown on the left, monthly products on the right hand side.

Global cloud properties, surface radiation and surface albedo data (ICDR AVHRR)

Details about the global cloud, surface radiation and surface albedo data are available on the CLARA-A3 DOI landing page. Daily products are shown on the left (pentad mean in case of surface albedo), monthly products on the right hand side.

NaS Aug2023

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