GSB 7.1 Standardlösung

Auxiliary Data

Most of the CM SAF datasets provide latitude and longitude coordinates in each file. For some grids however (e.g. irregular grids), coordinates are not included in order to reduce the data volume. In this case you can download the coordinates once from this page and use it with all of your files.
Furthermore, you can find selected auxiliary data such as Elevation, Land Fraction or Land/Sea Mask here. For some climate data record we also provide a more comprehensive set of auxiliary data tailored for working with that particular dataset.

By Dataset
Below you can find more comprehensive sets of auxiliary data for selected CM SAF Climate Data Records.

Data RecordFile
CLAAS-3Auxiliary data for Level 2 products
Auxiliary data for Level 3 products (0.05 degree)
Auxiliary data for Level 3 products (0.25 degree)
CLAAS-3 Auxiliary Data User Guide
CLAAS-2Auxiliary data for Level 2 products
Auxiliary data for Level 3 products (0.05° x 0.05°)
Auxiliary data for Level 3 products (0.25°x0.25°)
CLAAS-2 Auxiliary Data User Guide (PDF, 1MB, Not barrier-free file.)
CLARA-A3Auxiliary data for global Level 2b products
Auxiliary data for global Level 3 products on 0.25°x0.25°
Auxiliary data for global Level 3 products on 1°x1°
Auxiliary data for Level 3 cloud products in Northern Polar Region
Auxiliary data for Level 3 cloud products in Southern Polar Region
Auxiliary data for Level 3 surface albedo in Northern Polar Region
Auxiliary data for Level 3 surface albedo in Southern Polar Region
CLARA-3 Auxiliary Data User Guide
CLARA-A2.1Auxiliary data for global Level 2b products
Auxiliary data for global Level 3 products
Auxiliary data for Level 3 products in Northern Polar Region
Auxiliary data for Level 3 products in Southern Polar Region
CLARA-2.1 Auxiliary Data User Guide (PDF, 403KB, Barrier-free file)
SARAH-3Auxiliary data for SARAH-3 products
User manual for Auxiliary Data
SARAH-2Acquisition time difference for instantaneous products

By Domain
Choose auxiliary data for the grid/area of interest from the table below. The values are stored in hdf files on the same grid and in the same projection as the corresponding CM SAF product. Each value represents the centre of the gridbox. Not sure about the grid/area?

Learn how to extract grid & area from the filename using the CM SAF naming convention.

CM SAF full disc area ("MA") , 15 km x 15 km spatial resolution, sinusoidal projection01185_01185_LAT_LON01185_01185_HEIGHT01185_01185_LS_MASK
CM SAF full disk area, CM SAF definition ("MD“), satellite projection03636_03636_LAT_LON--
CM SAF Baseline area ("CA"), 15 km x 15 km spatial resolution, sinusoidal projection00777_00372_LAT_LON00777_00372_HEIGHT00777_00372_LS_MASK
CM SAF baseline area plus MSG disk and inner arctic ("CD"), 45 km x 45 km spatial resolution, sinusoidal projection00298_00371_LAT_LON00298_00371_HEIGHT00298_00371_LS_MASK
Global, 90km x 90km spatial resolution in cylindrical equal area projection (reference latitude 30° N) ("GL")00386_00162_LAT_LON00386_00162_HEIGHT


CM SAF Inner Arctic Area ("IA"), 15 km x 15 km spatial resolution, Lambert Azimuthal Equal area projection00334_00334_LAT_LON--

NaS / July2023

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