Time | Topic | Resp / [Foto] |
Monday, 10th March 2014 |
Session chair: Martin Werscheck (DWD, Germany) |
10:00 | Welcome (PDF, 269KB, Barrier-free file) | Martin Werscheck (DWD, Germany) |
10:05 | Opening addresses (PDF, 441KB, Barrier-free file) | Klaus-Jürgen Schreiber (DWD, Germany) Dirk Engelbart (BMVI, Germany) |
10:30 | EUMETSAT Climate Monitoring activities and the role of the Climate SAF (PDF, 2MB, Barrier-free file) | Alain Ratier (EUMETSAT) |
11:00 | Architecture for Climate Monitoring, status and way forward (PDF, 2MB, Barrier-free file) | Tillmann Mohr (WMO) |
11:30 | ESA Climate Change Initiative – From Research to Operations (PDF, 3MB, Barrier-free file) | Pascal Lecomte (ESA) |
12:00 | Observation and data products for climate monitoring. Assessing the status and requirements (PDF, 4MB, Barrier-free file) | Adrian Simmons (GCOS) |
12:30 | LUNCH BREAK |
Session chair: Reto Stöckli (MeteoSwiss, Switzerland) |
13:30 | Chasing clouds? How satellite observations help pin down the most evasive climate constituents (PDF, 5MB, Barrier-free file) | Ralf Bennartz (Vanderbilt University, USA) |
14:00 | Long term monitoring of tropical precipitation: linking the SSM/I era to the GPM and post-EPS times (PDF, 6MB, Barrier-free file) | Remy Roca (CNRS, LEGOS/OMP, France) |
14:30 | Upper tropospheric humidity measurements with operational microwave sounders (PDF, 2MB, Barrier-free file) | Stefan Bühler (University of Hamburg, Germany) |
15:00 | The SAF on Climate Monitoring: status & outlook (PDF, 5MB, Barrier-free file) | Rainer Hollmann (DWD, Germany) |
15:30 | COFFEE BREAK |
16:00 | The use of CM SAF data by the Regional Climate Centre of WMO RA VI (PDF, 3MB, Barrier-free file) | Klaus-Jürgen Schreiber (DWD, Germany) |
16:30 | Routine verification of radiation and cloudiness forecasts at ECMWF products (PDF, 3MB, Barrier-free file) | Thomas Haiden (ECMWF) |
17:00 | Apples and Oranges? On the value of satellite observations for climate modelling | Alexander Löw (MPI for Meteorology, Germany) |
17:30 | Surface radiative fluxes: key elements in the climate system (PDF, 5MB, Barrier-free file) | Martin Wild (ETHZ, Switzerland) |
19:00 | ICE BREAKER |
Tuesday, 11th March 2014 |
1st session, 08:45 – 10:30 |
Session chair: Viju John (UKMO, UK) |
08:45 | A comparison of data sources for creating a long-term time series of daily gridded solar radiation for Europe (PDF, 3MB, Barrier-free file) | Jedrzej Bojanowski (MeteoSwiss, Switzerland) |
09:00 | Cloud Microphysics Climatology over Kenya (PDF, 3MB, Barrier-free file) | David Muchemi (IMTR, Kenya) |
09:15 | Radio Refractivity Gradient over Nigeria using CM SAF Satellite Retrieved Data (PDF, 303KB, Barrier-free file) | Babatunde Adeyemi (University of Akure, Nigeria) |
09:30 | Surface Incoming Solar radiation over Egypt (PDF, 663KB, Barrier-free file) | Somia Asklay (CRTC, Egypt) |
09:45 | Long term CM SAF satellite global and beam irradiance validation (PDF, 9MB, Barrier-free file) | Pierre Ineichen (University of Geneva, Switzerland) |
10:00 | Evaluation of cloud properties in a 10-year convection-permitting climate simulation (PDF, 1MB, Barrier-free file) | Erwan Brisson (University of Frankfurt, Germany) |
10:15 | CM SAF data using in the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (PDF, 516KB, Barrier-free file) | Michal Zák (Czech Hydromet. Institute, Czech Republic) |
10:30 | COFFEE BREAK |
2nd session, 11:00 – 12:30 |
Session chair: Karl-Göran Karlsson (SMHI, Sweden) |
11:00 | Applications of CM SAF shortwave solar radiation products for Solar Energy (PDF, 1MB, Barrier-free file) | Thomas Huld (JRC) |
11:15 | Using CM SAF SIS and SID data in the SolStEis solar power generation model (PDF, 3MB, Barrier-free file) | Martin Felder (ZSW, Germany) |
11:30 | Use of CM SAF data for reprocessing activities within NORMAP, CryoClim and ESA CCI projects (PDF, 2MB, Barrier-free file) | Mari Anne Killie (MET, Norway) |
11:45 | Evaluation of precipitation over the ocean using distrometer data | Christian Klepp (MPI-M, Germany) |
12:00 | Application of the CM SAF SIS product for geostatistical modeling of solar erythemal UV radiation over Poland (PDF, 2MB, Barrier-free file) | Jakub Walawender (IMGW-PIB, Poland) |
12:15 | NWP model validation of shortwave radiation processes with satellite data (PDF, 2MB, Barrier-free file) | Frank Brenner (DWD, Germany) |
12:30 | LUNCH BREAK |
13:30 | Poster session | |
15:30 | Working Groups / Plenary session | |
15:45 | Working Groups (1 – 4) | |
18:00 | Adjourn | |
Wednesday, 12th March 2014 |
09:00 | Working Groups / Plenary session | |
09:15 | Working Groups (1 – 4) | |
10:30 | COFFEE BREAK | |
11:00 | Plenary session | |
12:30 | End of meeting | |