GSB 7.1 Standardlösung

Results of the 3rd User Workshop 2010 (06 - 08 Sept 2010)

Monday, 6th September 2010
09:00RegistrationP. Willing / B.Thies
10:00Opening/WelcomeM. Werscheck (DWD; Head CM SAF) K. Trauernicht (Ministry of Transport; Head of Division, Meteorology, Climate Monitoring, Earth Observation, German Meteorological Service) G. Adrian (DWD; President) E. Koenemann (EUMETSAT; Director of Programme Development) S. Sensoy (TSMS; Vice-President of WMO CCl) B. Ryan (WMO; Director Space Programme)
11:00Developing a Space-based Architecture for Climate MonitoringB. Ryan (WMO, Space Programme)01RYAN_WMO
11:30EUMETSAT’s Remits to Sustained Climate Monitoring from SpaceL. Schüller (EUMETSAT)02SCHUELLER_EUMETSAT
Group photo
13:30ESA EO Programmes and Climate MonitoringB. Bojkov (ESA)03BOJKOV_ESA_CCI
14:00CM SAF: Lessons Learnt and Future PlansM. Werscheck (DWD; Germany)04WERSCHECK_CMSAF
14:30The Benefit of Training and Education in the Field of Satellite Meteorology and ClimatologyV. Nietosvaara (FMI; Finland)05NIETOSVAARA_FMI_Training
15:30Status and Plans: TrainingC. Träger (DWD; Germany)06TRAEGER_CMSAF_Training
15:45Status and Plans: OperationsP. Fuchs (DWD; Germany)07FUCHS_CMSAF_Operations_s_p
16:00The Use of CM SAF Data: Showcase ArmeniaD. Hovhannisyan (ASHMS; Armenia)08HOVHANNIAYAN_ARMSTATEHYDROMET_showcase
16:15Comparison of SIS and in-situ Data in Turkey for the Year 2006E. Karakoc (TSMS; Turkey)09KARAKOC_DMI_comp_SIS
16:30CM SAF Training Workshop from a User PerspectiveM. Žák (CHMI; Czech Republic)10ZAK_CHMI_Training
16:45Online Presentation Web User Interface (WUI)J. Trentmann (DWD; Germany) C. Koziar (DWD, Germany) 11bTRENTMANN_CMSAF_OnlinePresentation 11aKOZIAR_CMSAF_wui
17:15Poster Session I and Marketplace
Tuesday, 7th September 2010
09:00Climate Monitoring and Analysis in the European Context G. Verver (KNMI; The Netherlands01VERVER_KNMI_analyses
09:30Status and Plans: Surface Radiation Products and ServicesR. Müller (DWD; Germany)02MUELLER_CMSAF_surfrad
10:00The Role of Surface Radiation in Climate MonitoringM. Wild (ETH; Switzerland)03WILD_ETH_surfrad

Jan 2014

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