Time | Topic | Resp / [Foto] |
Monday |
Plenary Session, chaired by M. Werscheck (Deutscher Wetterdienst) |
13:00 | Opening and Welcome Address | T. Fuchs (Deutscher Wetterdienst) |
13:15 | ESA and EUMETSAT on a par with NASA and NOAA (PDF, 2MB, Barrier-free file) | H. Graßl (MPI f. Met.) |
13:40 | The Global Climate Observing System and the role of Satellite Data in Climate Monitoring (PDF, 4MB, Barrier-free file) | K. Holmlund (GCOS AOPC) |
14:00 | Space Agency Contributions in Support of the Paris Agreement (PDF, 4MB, Barrier-free file) | J. Schulz (CEOS & CGMS Joint Working Group on Climate) |
14:20 | Importance of satellite data for ECMWF and its Copernicus Services (PDF, 7MB, Barrier-free file) | J.N. Thepaut (ECMWF) |
14:45 | The continued importance of global climate processes monitoring: precipitation (PDF, 4MB, Barrier-free file) | P. v. Oevelen (GEWEX) |
15:10 | COFFEE BREAK |
15:45 | Monitoring Weather and Climate from Space (PDF, 6MB, Barrier-free file) | K. Holmlund (EUMETSAT) |
16:05 | EUMETSAT contribution to climate science and services (PDF, 6MB, Barrier-free file) | J. Schulz (EUMETSAT) |
16:25 | ESA Earth Observation & Climate (PDF, 6MB, Barrier-free file) | S. Pinnock (ESA) |
16:50 | WMO Space Programme and Climate Monitoring from Space (PDF, 5MB, Barrier-free file) | W. Balogh (WMO) |
17:15 | CM SAF: Products and Services for Climate monitoring (PDF, 4MB, Barrier-free file) | R. Hollmann (DWD) |
17:40 | end of session |
18:00 | Group Photo |
18:15 | ICEBREAKER |
Tuesday |
Plenary Session, chaired by J. Kaiser (Deutscher Wetterdienst) |
09:00 | Observing warm rain events over southern West Africa using CM-SAF cloud products (PDF, 4MB, Barrier-free file) | M. Young (University of Reading) |
09:20 | CM SAF data forheat mapping in Europe (PDF, 3MB, Barrier-free file) | S. Kotlarski (MeteoSwiss) |
10:00 | COFFEE BREAK | |
10:30 | Thematic Area Splinter Group Sessions (10:30-12:30) |
T I: “From the Top to the Bottom: Radiation- and surface-related data records” chaired by J. Trentmann |
10:30 | Introduction: Scope & Objectives | J. Trentmann (DWD) |
10:45 | Open Discussion (PDF, 2MB, Barrier-free file) |
12:15 | Wrap up | J. Trentmann (DWD) |
T II: “Energy fluxes, evapotranspiration, precipitation” chaired by M. Schröder |
10:30 | Introduction: Scope & Objectives | M. Schröder (DWD) |
10:45 | Satellite remote sensing of precipitation: Ongoing challenges in the context of climate research
(PDF, 1MB, Barrier-free file) | R. Bennartz (Vanderbilt University / University of Wisconsin) |
11:00 | Challenges in climate monitoring of latent heat flux and related parameters
(PDF, 2MB, Barrier-free file) | A. Andersson (DWD) |
11:15 | Open Discussion |
12:15 | Wrap up | M. Schröder (DWD) |
T III: “Clouds, Water Vapour and FCDRs” chaired by K.G.Karlsson |
10:30 | Introduction: Scope & Objectives | K.G. Karlsson (SMHI) |
10:45 | Discussion on the relevant scales of water vapour for climate analysis (PDF, 12MB, Barrier-free file) | H. Brogniez (University of Versailles) |
11:00 | Quantifying the uncertainty and ensuing spurious trends in level-3 AVHRR-based cloud climate data records (PDF, 6MB, Barrier-free file) | J. Bojanowski (Remote Sensing Centre, Poland) |
11:15 | On the use of CM SAF FCDRs to retrieve LST and other ECVs (PDF, 4MB, Barrier-free file) | S. Favrichon (LERMA - Observatoire de Paris) |
11:30 | Open Discussion |
12:15 | Wrap up | K.G. Karlsson (SMHI) |
12:30 | LUNCH BREAK |
13:30 | Poster session (13:30-14:30) |
Plenary Session, chaired by R. Hollmann (Deutscher Wetterdienst) |
14:30 | How to foster the application of Satellite Climatology within the national Climate Service (PDF, 3MB, Barrier-free file) | R. Stöckli (MeteoSwiss) |
14:50 | How can we use Satellite CDRs to support climate modelling? (PDF, 7MB, Barrier-free file) | R. Saunders (UKMO) |
15:10 | What satellite observations do we need to close the global water and energy cycle ? (PDF, 3MB, Barrier-free file) | R. Roca CNRS/Legos |
15:30 | COFFEE BREAK |
16:00 | Application Area Splinter Group Sessions (16:00-18:00) |
A I: “Climate Service, Climate Monitoring, Downstream Applications” chaired by A. Duguay-Tetzlaff |
16:00 | Climate Service, Climate Monitoring, Downstream Applications (PDF, 1MB, Barrier-free file) | A. Duguay-Tetzlaff (MeteoSwiss) |
16:15 | PVGIS
Photovoltaic Geographical Information System (PDF, 2MB, Barrier-free file) | A. Gracia (JRC) |
16:30 | Drought assessment for climate services (PDF, 3MB, Barrier-free file) | V. Bento (MeteoSwiss) |
16:45 | Open Discussion |
17:45 | Wrap up | A. Duguay-Tetzlaff (MeteoSwiss) |
A II: “Climate Science, Climate Change, Climate Processes” chaired by R. Hollmann |
16:00 | Introduction: Scope & Objectives | R. Hollmann (DWD) |
16:15 | Water transports: diagnostics; satellite, model, and reanalysis based (PDF, 25MB, Barrier-free file) | A. Krug (University of Frankfurt) |
16:35 | AVHRR GAC and LAC data for the retrieval of ECV time series: complementary or synergistic? (PDF, 3MB, Barrier-free file) | S. Wunderle (University of Bern) |
16:55 | From point to area: assessing the representativeness of point observations (PDF, 7MB, Barrier-free file) | M. Schwarz (ETH) |
17:15 | Open Discussion |
17:45 | Wrap up | R. Hollmann (DWD) |
A III: “CM SAF data for model evaluation” chaired by M. Stengel |
16:00 | Introduction: Scope & Objectives | M. Stengel (DWD) |
16:15 | Open Discussion |
17:45 | Wrap up | M. Stengel (DWD) |
Wednesday |
09:00 | CM SAF data access and toolbox (PDF, 3MB, Barrier-free file) | S. Kothe (DWD) |
09:30 | CLARA-A2 dataset Improvements and shortcomings in high latitude regions (PDF, 2MB, Barrier-free file) | B. Babar (University of Tromsö) |
09:45 | Grosswetterlagen from the CM SAF point of view – study for the Czech Republic (PDF, 4MB, Barrier-free file) | M. Zak (CHMI and Charles University) |
10:00 | COFFEE BREAK |
Reports from Splinter Groups, chaired by M. Werscheck |
10:30 | Report from Splinter Group “From the Top to the Bottom: Radiation- and Surface-related data records (PDF, 941KB, Barrier-free file)” | J. Trentmann (DWD) |
10:45 | Report from Splinter Group “Energy fluxes, evapotranspiration, precipitation: Summary (PDF, 965KB, Barrier-free file)” | M. Schröder (DWD) |
11:00 | Report from Splinter Group “Clouds, WaterVapourand FCDRs: SplinterGroup Report (PDF, 269KB, Barrier-free file)” | K.G. Karlsson (SMHI) |
11:15 | Report from Splinter Group “Climate Service, Climate Monitoring, Downstream Applications (PDF, 373KB, Barrier-free file)” | A. Duguay-Tetzlaff (MeteoSwiss) |
11:30 | Report from Splinter Group “Summary Splintergroup “Climate Science, Climate Change, Climate Processes” (PDF, 215KB, Barrier-free file)” | R. Hollmann (DWD) |
11:45 | Report from Splinter Group “CM SAF data for model evaluation (PDF, 1MB, Barrier-free file)” | M. Stengel (DWD) |
12:00 | Summary and Outlook | M. Werscheck (DWD) |
12:15 | End of meeting |