GSB 7.1 Standardlösung

CM SAF entered its 4th CDOP Phase on 1st of March 2022

Not only the currently released 6th IPCC report is demonstrating that climate and climate change is an urgent and important topic for mankind. CM SAF with its climate data records provides a strong foundation of the scientific developments.

Continuous support for satellite based climate monitoring since 1999! Continuous support for satellite based climate monitoring since 1999! Source: CM SAF

Since 1999 the CM SAF team is supporting climate monitoring through the generation and provision of climate data records from satellite. This remains the main focus of CM SAF which of course is complemented by comprehensive services to its users - from supporting their access to data towards training activities to support understanding and handling of our data.

In the last five years, during CDOP-3, the CM SAF team updated and improved a lot of our well-known and established climate data records, capturing now the complete WMO reference period from 1991 to 2020. Some of the data, called Interim Climate Data Records (ICDRs), are processed as a continued service providing daily and monthly data with typically less than five days after observation to enable climate monitoring.

This success story will be continued with further improvements and extensions of the climate data records (CDRs), planned to be delivered until 2027:
- Improved GeoRing coverage using GeoRing data where possible
- implementing latest scientific developments
- upgrading the ICDRs to use MTG in a seamless way
- investigating consistency of the variables for the Earth’s energy budget and water cycle
- supporting GEWEX GVap and ISSCP-NG activities as main European Contributor

Additionally, CM SAF is moving to the newly available EUMETSAT cloud infrastructure which is seen as a perfect framework to intensify the collaboration between SAFs, EUMETSAT Central Facility and the users in the long-term.

NaS / April2022

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