GSB 7.1 Standardlösung

Release of the SEVIRI 15min cloud mask dataset

The CM SAF Project Team presents the CM SAF SEVIRI cloud mask dataset – 15 minutes resolution, edition 1 based on 9 years of SEVIRI measurements (2004 to 2012).

CMa_MSG CMa_MSG Figure 1. Cloud mask values for 15th of June 2010 at 11:45 UTC for the entire SEVIRI disk (Figure is taken from Stengel et al. (2014)). Right panel: Overview of SEVIRI measurements record at CM SAF used as basis for this dataset. Short- term data gaps are shown enlarged. Source: CM SAF

Dataset description
The SEVIRI cloud mask dataset has recently been generated and released by the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring (CM SAF) to enhance the cloud property dataset CLAAS (Stengel et al. 2014). The SEVIRI cloud mask dataset contains the cloud mask in 15 minutes temporal resolution. The dataset is pixel based, where a SEVIRI pixel is about 4x4 km² in size, depending on location in SEVIRI's field of view. The data are provided with regional coverage from +- 60° N/S and +- 60° E/W. Inter-calibrated effective radiances of Meteosat-8 and 9 form the basis of the cloud mask dataset which spans 9 years from 2004 to 2012. The dataset is complemented with a comprehensive documentation of the algorithms used and the generation of the dataset. Validation studies and user guidance are available as well. With this dataset, small, regional and large scale cloud processes at temporal scales of hours to years can be studied. In addition, the dataset is suited for all applications in which a conservative cloud mask is essential (e.g. land surface, aerosol or trace gas retrievals). See Table 1 for technical specifications of the dataset.

All products are now available for ordering via CM SAF Web User Interface. For more information contact our User Help Desk. The dataset flyer can be downloaded here.

Product User Manual (PUM) SEVIRI cloud mask dataset
Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD), from NWC SAF, also valid for CMA SEVIRI
Validation Report (VALRep) SEVIRI cloud mask dataset

For the precursor dataset (including all cloud properties) see:
Stengel, M., Kniffka, A., Meirink, J. F., Lockhoff, M., Tan, J., and Hollmann, R.: CLAAS: the CM SAF cloud property data set using SEVIRI, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 4297-4311, doi:10.5194/acp-14-4297-2014, 2014.

Table 1. Technical specifications of the dataset.

Time period: 2004 – 2012
Temporal resolution:15 minutes (pixel-based products)
Spatial coverage:Meteosat disk
Spatial resolution:approx. 4km, native SEVIRI resolution
Data Format:HDF5

MSt / Jan2015

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